The Lady Ravnos
Ravnos Emblem Book of Shadows Ravnos Emblem

This is my home, and these are my people. I am proud to display
the emblem of my clan. They have, on more than one occasion
offered protection from harm, and of course their love.
The ones of my family joined not through clan, but by promise,
can also be found here.
If you are wondering, you are safe here,
no harm will come to you in this place.

You are in the Drawing the fire...
If you click on the image above
it will take you, in a heartbeat to my book of shadows.
The place where I keep the treasures of my heart,
the place where I brag a little about my family...*smiles*...ahh well..
These are the people with whom I have formed bonds for life.
They are my kindred and I love them well.
If you choose you can use the links below.
These will take you through the castle corridors
This place is old, a great deal I've probably forgotten about
but you are welcome to look at whatever you please...enjoy.
*She smiles as she disappears into a mist....*
*...and by the way, don't worry about the dragons sitting by the door...they are gentle...*


Castle Corridors

[WHAT is this site about?]              [Goddess Site-a Must See]
[To the Reading Room]              [A Tale about the Lady]
[Book of Shadows]
Under construction
      [My List of Links]
[The Lady Ravnos]              [Tavern Poetry]
[My Room]
      [A Few Tavern Scrolls]

Eyes of my Dragon Soul There is a dark kiss,
a kiss so sweet, filled with passion,
kindled by the fire of the soul...
during your stay, if you feel eyes upon you
know it is only for your own good.

What think ye that the house of Ravnos be?
*you hear her laugh softly from behind you...*
Ahhh...tis a house of kindred spirits, and in our veins runs a river of life. There is a dark side to us all, a mystical side where the dragon and the shadow live. Hatred cannot hide its face, pain cannot run. Coming to an understanding of this place may change everything you thought you ever knew about yourself...
Click on the eyes of my dragon soul, the VISION of the Dragon is only a heartbeat away...

Ravnos Castle
Moved with great care to:
These United States

Leave your mark
on the castle wall...
Guest Book

View And Sign Our Guestbook

Most graphics on this site, were created by LdyRavnos.

What is this site all about???
Click here to find out!!
Great place to start!

Vampires Tavern Logo

This site is part of the Vampires Tavern Web Ring .
This site was created by Lady Ravnos.
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Want to join the ring? Click here for more Info!.

The Vampires Tavern happens to be one of my favorite haunting grounds.

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In rememberance of all whom went before

This page has been visited bazillion times since Nov 1, 1997.

To link to this site know you are welcome to left click on the Ravnos Castle Bar, capture it, and paste it at your site...please send your site address if you are interested in having it added to this page, as all requests will be considered.
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This page copyright © 1997
Stonebridge Enterprises
& andrea_333 All rights reserved.
