This is, obviously, the Official Website of the Friends Don't Let Friends Drive With Cod in Their Trousers organization. Beware of imitations. We here at FDLFDWCTT web development department (consisting of me and number of small poseable Gumby and Pokey dolls, and often Noah (you can blame him for anything bad in the various FDLFDWCTT pages (not that there could actually be anything bad, of course, but just in case))) feel that the problem of people driving with cod in their trousers has gone unchecked for long enough, and plan to do something about it. Ok, a quick note on site navigation: The navigation bar is pretty straightforward, but I bet you didn't know you could just click on the banner to get back to this page. In case you ever want to get back here. By the way, if you're looking at this in a public institution, like a library or something, when you stop using the computer could you please leave the browser open to the FDLFDWCTT Big-Arse-Logo-Thing, so other people might get curious and stop by the site? Thanks. I think my address is already somewhere else on this page, but my motto is you can never write your email address in too many places. Actually my motto is never inflate a balloon with cheezwhiz and detonate it in the kitchen (you think that's a joke, but unfortunately it's not). Anyway, the address to send mail to is Feel free to email me. Even if it's just to tell me how much my page sucks or that you regularly drive with cod in your trousers and feel there's nothing wrong with it and that it's people like me what cause unrest (Monty Python reference! Woo hoo!). Ok, I think that's enough of an introduction.

To break the monotony of all this text, I think I'll put up an authentic, completely unaltered picture of my High School's marquee that I screwed with a little bit.

Well, since you haven't yet hit the back button on your browser you must at least not be completely revolted by what you see. Whatever the reason, maybe you should think of joining. Several benefits of Membership, besides that warm, heartburn-like feeling in the pit of your stomach that you get from knowing you're doing something good (or from eating bad chili), you get the stylish Membership Cod and backpack patch, linked to above, which will get you admission into, well, nowhere, but you can flash it and feel cool anyway. Be sure to E-mail me (once again, to tell me you've joined and the general area in which you live, so I'll know where to avoid, er, rather, how far this great cause is spreading.

Well, that's it, so remember:

Save a cod; Save a life
Drive cod free; it's the way to be

You people have inhaled the vaguely fishy odor of this page times.

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