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Comments On Our Newsletter

Hear what others had to say about AIP

thank you so much for your wonderful newsletter. I am a high school student who heads an AR group out of school. At this point, we have about 20+ members! At every one of our meetings (once a week) I bring the latest newsletters and we all write at least two or three letters per week! Your newsletter has been very helpful to us and I just thought I'd tell you how much I appreciate it. Thanks again.
Yours truly,

"I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your newsletter and always look forward to it. The cruelty stories are heartbreaking and I try to write letters, the poems are touching and the recipes are great. Thanks for including me.

It is a pleasure to read your newsletter, hopefully in the future I can be of some assistance in some capacity!
I am a 10 year vegetarian, and an active supporter of many animal protection organizations. I will definitely be reading and responding to your newsletter when I can. Lots Of Luck.

I am continually shocked and saddened by the information I read in your newsletter. Man's cruelty to all living creatures will destroy our world much sooner than nuclear warfare.

I commend you for your effort to make our world a more gentle and loving one. We must be united in our battle to end the atrocities inflicted upon the voiceless members of our universe.

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