Ali Rashid and the Thieves

Major Charactres: Sinbad, Doubar, Bryn, Dermott, Rongar, Firouz, Ali Rashid, Shirez, Zorah
Minor Charactres: Guards, Dancing Girls, Ali Rashid’s Cronies, woman in palace, Olso, Lomar

(The crew is at the Bay of Bollnah; they are pulling a cart of goods along the island)

Firouz: I certainly call this bad luck.

Doubar: I call it a bad cage. (Dermott lands on the cart) Hey! No passengers!

Sinbad: All right. Let’s take a break.

Doubar: Why couldn’t this Ali Rashid just pick up his trade goods down at the harbour?

Sinbad: Delivery is part of the price.

Doubar: Can we at least get Rongar to step in for Firouz?

Firouz: Is that a criticism?

Doubar: No. It’s a cry for help.

Sinbad: Rongar?

Bryn: Something’s troubling him.

Firouz: He’s even stopped eating.

Sinbad: I’ll go talk with him.

(Sinbad walks up to Rongar)

Sinbad: (sighs) It’s a nice countryside, isn’t it? You’re starting to get us worried. What’s bothering you?

(Some people come up to the crew, and Rongar draws a short sword, and runs over to them, to help fight them off)

Sinbad: Rongar. (he turns and sees the fighting go on, and he draws his saber, and ran down to help fight)

(They fight them off)

Firouz: (helps Bryn up) Are you okay?

Bryn: Yeah. Just seeing a few stars, that’s all.

(The men are running off; Rongar goes to follow them)

Sinbad: Rongar! Stop!

(Rongar stops)

Sinbad: What’s wrong with you?

(A few men on horseback approach them)

Ali Rashid: I am Prince Ali Rashid.

(Rongar yells, runs towards him, and pulls him off his horse; the crew stops him, and holds them both away from each other)

Ali Rashid: This man is wanted here as a thief. He was warned never to return upon pain of death. Because you are representatives of the Caliph of Baghdad, I’ll spare him. If I lay eye upon him again, he will indeed be dead…Caliph, or no Caliph. (throws moneybag to Sinbad) There’s your payment. I want you and your crew gone from my land. (he and his two henchmen leave on the horses)

Sinbad: Rongar is this true?

(Rongar turns, puts hood on the cape he is wearing up, and storms off)

(It is dark, and the crew is on the Nomad; Rongar walks up to Sinbad, who’s at the tiller)

Sinbad: Feeling better now? (Rongar nods, then motions for Sinbad to give him the tiller) I thought Doubar was at the tiller tonight. (Rongar makes hand signs, showing that Doubar had been drinking, then fell asleep) You’re sure you’re all right? (he hands Rongar the tiller, after Rongar nods; Sinbad heads below deck, to the cabin)

(It is day time, and Sinbad wakes up, and leaves the cabin; he sees that they are back in the Bay of Bollnah)

Sinbad: (he sees a note on the mast) What? (he pulls it off) Rongar?

(Opening Credits)

(Sinbad goes down to the cabin, to wake everyone up)

Sinbad: Crew? I need you all up. Come on! (he nudges Doubar, then goes over to Firouz) Firouz, up and at ‘em!

Firouz: Arousing one from a deep sleep—

Sinbad: Doubar!

Bryn: What is it?

Sinbad: Trouble. Rongar is gone. And left only this. (he shows them the note)

Firouz: (reads word on paper) Shendara?

Sinbad: Do you know what it means?

Firouz: No. It’s not a word I’m familiar with.

Doubar: That’s it?

Firouz: Strange.

Sinbad: Stranger still, we’re back in this harbour.

Doubar: Rongar must have piloted us back.

Sinbad: It appears that way.

Doubar: He’s a man possessed.

Firouz: Something indeed plagues him.

Sinbad: That something has to do with Ali Rashid.

Doubar: Firouz, let’s get the longboat ready.

(The two men leave the cabin)

Bryn: Has he ever been like this before?

Sinbad: Never.

Bryn: We’ll find him.

Sinbad: That’s exactly what we’re gonna do.

(They leave the cabin)

(The crew is in the City of Bollnah)

Sinbad: Bryn. You and Firouz ask around the city. See if anyone has seen or heard about Rongar. Doubar, you and I are going to go inside and get some answers.

Doubar: And maybe some we don’t wanna hear.

Sinbad: Yeah. Meet us back here.

Doubar: Do you think Ali Rashid is just gonna grant us a walk-in audience?

Sinbad: That’s what we’re going to find out.

(Ali Rashid is sitting in the palace thrown room, watching dancing girls; Shirez comes in and sits on his lap, and tries to seduce him)

Shirez: (pours a glass of wine) Anything else?

Ali Rashid: Seeming to do favours again, huh, Shirez?

Shirez: Was there ever any doubt?

Ali Rashid: It’s in my pocket. One. Not two.

(She reaches in his pocket)

(Sinbad and Doubar walk into the palace gates)

Guard #1: Where do you think you’re going?

Sinbad: We’re here to see Ali Rashid.

Guard #2: By whose authority?

Sinbad: Why don’t you just tell him we’re here?

(Ali Rashid grabs Shirez’s hand, which is still in his pocket)

Ali Rashid: I said one. Not two. Like all others, you can be replaced. (he twists her arm) Humble yourself.

(The guards and Sinbad and Doubar are talking)

Guard #1: Now tell me the vow of obedience.

Guard #2: Let’s go. We don’t allow any beggars here.

Doubar: Beggars?

Sinbad: Well, we can’t be choosers.

(They beat up the two guards, then walk up stairs, and beat up two more guards they meet; they keep walking up the stairs; at the top, they meet a woman)

Sinbad: Hi. We’re looking for Ali Rashid. (she points) Thanks.

(They head in that direction, then come to another two guards, who hold their spears in front of them; Sinbad pushes them aside)

Sinbad: Hey, enough all ready!

Doubar: Look at what he’s done with the place.

Sinbad: It’s good to see you again, Ali Rashid.

Ali Rashid: How dare you break in here.

Sinbad: I came to ask a favour.

Ali Rashid: You were told to leave this island. Now you break in here unannounced, and you seek favour?

Sinbad: I’m trying to locate a missing crewmember.

Ali Rashid: You mean the fugitive who attacked me? Who I threatened with death?

Sinbad: I ask under the political protection of the Caliph of Baghdad. We both want to avoid a messy political situation. And I would gladly pay. (he tosses a bag of gold to Ali Rashid)

Ali Rashid: Your loyalty can be commended. Even if it is a bit fanatical.

Sinbad: I’ve been known to go…(looks at Doubar) overboard for my crew. (looks back at Ali Rashid)

Ali Rashid: You have one day to find him. If you don’t, I’ll find him, and he will face a death, I promise.

(They leave)

Ali Rashid: Bring me Olso and Lomar. NOW!!!!!

(The crew meets up again, in the city streets)

Sinbad: Did you learn anything?

Bryn: Nothing.

Firouz: These people are not going to answer questions from strangers.

Doubar: Are they too afraid?

Bryn: They’re too content.

Firouz: Ali Rashid is their protector. His enemies are there.

Doubar: Well somebody must know something about all this.

Shirez: (comes up behind them) Zorah will know. I’m Shirez. (she gives her hand to Sinbad) I’ve heard about you…and your adventures.

Sinbad: Maybe some night we could talk about them. Now, who’s this Zorah?

Shirez: A soothsayer. It says she knows all. I can take you there, but, ah, my invitation can extend to only you.

Sinbad: Let’s break up. Search everywhere. If you find him, haul him back to the ship. Use chains, ropes, whatever.

Doubar: We’re talking about our Rongar?

Sinbad: Gang up on him. His life’s in danger. And so are ours. (turns to Shirez) Take me to Zorah.

(He and Shirez leave)

Shirez: (when they are away from the others) It took real courage to charge Ali Rashid’s powers.

Sinbad: Just helping a friend.

Shirez: (begins to come on to Sinbad) I can be very friendly.

Sinbad: I’ll keep that in mind.

Shirez: Keep it very much in mind. I must speak with her alone first.

(He smiles, as she leaves him; two men come up to him)

Sinbad: Sinbad. And you are…?

Olso: Olso.

Lomar: Lomar.

Sinbad: Well, if you’re here to see the soothsayer, I’m next in line. (they stand up to him) I just hate people who take cuts.

(One of them draws a sword, and Sinbad grabs it, and they fight)

Sinbad: I didn’t mean it literally.

(They fight some more; Sinbad eventually gets Olso down)

Sinbad: A wise man would stay down.

(He gets up, and Sinbad kicks him back down; when they are defeated, Shirez comes back)

Sinbad: Who are these guys?

Shirez: They work for Ali Rashid.

Sinbad: We’re playing two different games.

(They walk up the steps, and knock on the door)

Zorah: Come in.

(They enter)

Zorah: I was told you’re looking for someone.

Sinbad: I am.

Zorah: Why come to me?

Sinbad: Because I was told you could help. I’m looking for a man named Rongar.

Zorah: What is he to you?

Sinbad: A friend. And one of my crew. What can you tell me?

Zorah: What do you want to know?

Sinbad: About Rongar. And Ali Rashid.

Zorah: Rongar was the Prince of this kingdom. Then Ali Rashid arrived. He was a successful merchant Prince, looking only to establish trade contacts. Those appearances were nothing but treachery. I can say no more.

Sinbad: Then at least tell me where he can be found. Tell me.

Zorah: North of here lie the Mountains of Caff. Bewitched mountains that serve the thieves. Look for him there.

Sinbad: Why would he go there?

Zorah: Revenge.

Sinbad: For what wrong?

Zorah: I can say no more. Except that you must find him. Find him, and take him away from here. He’ll be killed!

Sinbad: Thank you.

(They leave)

Sinbad: What do you know about her?

Shirez: Not much. I do know that Ali Rashid listens to her. And seems to fear her. The only one he fears.

Sinbad: Why?

Shirez: Because she knows his future.

(Rongar is in the Mountains, looking around)

(The crew are all on horses, Shirez is riding with Sinbad; they stop)

Sinbad: Looks like the trail ends here. We better dismount.

Shirez: Must we?

Sinbad: Yes, we must. As hard as that may be.

(Sinbad goes to help Shirez off the horse)

Shirez: You don’t need to help me.

(She gets off)

Bryn: I’ll tie the horses. (she takes the horses)
