Officers and Committee Members of the British Amateur Electronics Club Archive. | |
Mr. George Burton, Chairman and Hon. Editor (retired)
prontaprint.bristol* When contacting George it is best to include "For the attention of George Burton" in the E-mail title as this is his work address and probably used by other people as well. Sadly Prontaprint seems to have shut down. Perhaps it was too expensive. It gave a cheap quality service for many types of printing. | |
David Ledgard, BAEC Archive Hon. Webmaster Has been a member since 1990 (studies permitting). Age: 35 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Experience: Digital Electronics, Programming, Making Printed Circuit Boards, Fault Finding, Electronic Theory, Building Projects in Electronics Magazines, and Computer Interfacing... [full details below] | |
Richard Evans, BAEC Archive Hon. Librarian - still retains most books last listed in Club Newsletter and above in BAEC Lending Library section. Contact detail available from BAEC Newsletter No. 135 April 2000 and membership list, or contact the Webmaster. | |
Mr. John F. Davies, BAEC Secretary
(for 3-4 years before George Burton) - still takes an interest in the Club and retains duplicate copies of most old BAEC Newsletters plus a lot of old electronics kit. Current E-mail address: ; Old redundent E-mail address Computers: Archimedes 410/1, BBC B, ZX81 Experience: Transducers Built: Darkroom Exposure Meter |
Ex-Officers and Ex-Committee Members of the British Amateur Electronics Club. Please note. This is only an Archive site. The Club no longer publishes and posts a Newsletter. Put does accept new material and membership details to be posted on the 'net only. |
Mr. T. S. C. Samuel-Mauryce, Hon Secretary [2002-03] (retired)
tsc.samuel-mauryce01* | |
Mr. Martyn Moses, Hon. Secretary (retired)
MPMOSES* Age: 43 [as of 2006] Experience: Calibration and Repair Engineer (RF and Avionics), former EMC Test Engineer and former Radar / Data Links Technician Royal Air Force. Qualifications: HNC Electrical / Electronic Engineering. Currently studying for BSc Electronic Engineering. | |
Mr. Otto Schiffer, Hon. Treasurer (retired)
otto* Interests: Science, Science Fiction Qualifications: Retired TV Engineer, C&G | |
Mr. A.C.Randall, Committee Member (retired) Experience: Intercoms, Hearing Aids, Central Heating Controls Interests: Home Winemaking | |
Mr. R.G.Voisey, Committee Member and Hon. Auditor (retired) |
Current Members with Functioning E-mail Addresses | |||||
Chris D Baragwanath
cbara* Age: 46 [as of 2006] Beginner: Yes Interests: Automotive Elect. / Time keeping. "My interest in Cars is primarily in the old BMC products and includes the Minor, the Mini, the Mini Moke (mine is No. 281 of the 300 assembled at the BMC Plant in the then Rhodesia, MGB and of the Landies (Series II). Am always interested in any discrete ccts. that can be used in restoring / improving the electrics of this generation of Cars, while keeping them authentic. China is fast becoming a force to reckoned with and notice may of them here in SA. They are the apparent recent cause of an increase in basic metal prices, which for Copper has been 52% in this year. Seems they are buying up the place ! South Africa has a small but steady industry designing and producing electronic Fuel Injection Controllers and ECU's (Engine Control Units or 'Black Boxes'), and exports these extensively. (Bosch is a large customer). These are all based on embedded processors. Have not seen any anything PC based as yet, other than the diagnostics for the ECU's. For cheaper, small Cars I have seen electronic ignition controllers that are probably PIC based. There is also quite a market in 'modified' programs for existing brands of ECU, (i.e. more power or more economy, alcohol based fuels) etc... that seems to do well locally. These modern ECU,s are a b@#$%r to mend ! - Often there are no schematics for them, (only ever given out to 'official' repair depots) and then many of the IC's have 'house numbers' rather than the usual identifying numbers on them. Other IC's are specific to the manufacturer and / or LSI and so difficult ever to get spares for." Country: South Africa (Zuid Afrika in Afrikaans apparently, hence the .za in the E-mail address). | |||||
Murray Cameron
Current E-mail address: ;
Old redundent E-mail address:
Age: 71 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Computers: ZX81, PCW512, Osborne486 Experience: 15 Years in building the more simple projects from magazines. Magazine: EPE Interests: Woodwork, DIY, Camping. Qualifications: I Eng. HVAC Design Engineer. (Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning) | |||||
[JUN06] Eric Edwards., Although
will still get through, I am using the domain name. GW8LJJ. Age: 63 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Computers: Main PC is Pentium 111 with 1GHz processor and 17" TFT monitor Laptop is now 2.8GHz with 15" screen Both running Windows XP and on Broadband Several home-brew computers and a '386 laptop Experience: Over 40 years, published PIC Book Qualifications: C&Guilds Qual (old!) Written electronic Book on CD-ROM Magazines: Dropped ETI and Elektor but still retain GQTV (BATV mag) and RSGB Other: Ham Radio callsign GW8LJJ since early 1970s Writing book on 'Practical Radio' which includes circuits and constructional details from simple Crystal sets to Double Superhets Books:
BAEC Article:
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[Added JUN06]
H. P. Friedrichs
hpf* AC7ZL. Age: ** Beginner: No Computers: Variety Experience: 20+ years experience as electrical engineer practicing a variety of engineering disciplines including Twenty-plus years experience in a variety of engineering functions including technical project/personnel management, hardware/software systems integration, design, implementation and repair of electronic hardware and software, and technical documentation. Fields of activity include computer, instrumentation, automotive, audio, aerospace, medical, and test equipment. Programming languages: Assembler (Z80/64180, Microchip PIC, 8051), C/C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, Python, HTML, Clipper (dBase), SQL, Powerbuilder, DICOM. Operating systems: Linux/Unix, Windows, OS2, DOS, and embedded realtime kernels (RTOS). Hardware: Discrete, chip, and board-level analog, digital, and mixed-signal circuitry. PCB design. Factory automation, data collection equipment (transponders and bar code readers). Medical equipment and recording studio audio. Communications gear including RS-232, 422, broadband and TCP/IP. 3 phase power and cryogenic controls. Avionics test sets and other precision pneumatics. Lasers, motion control electronics. Interests: Electronics, science, engineering, writing, composing/playing music, nature, dogs. Qualifications: BSEE, U.S. EXTRA Class Amateur radio operator, 3 U.S. Patents, Author, 2 books.
Not all the processors, protocols, and languages mentioned above were familiar to me. So made a quick scout through the most reliable, informative and free source: - wikipedia on-line encyclopaedia and turned up the following results:
Books: "The Voice of the Crystal" and "Instruments of Amplification" authored by Mr. H. P. Friedrichs. AC7ZL. Photo gallery links:
The suggested retail price of "The Voice of the Crystal" is $14.95 USD and "Instruments of Amplification" is $19.95 USD. A vendor list is here:
Quote: My components are not antiques [described in the books]. They are projects designed to teach the principles of radio/electronics. The devices you saw were constructed with my own two hands within the last few years. Marconi has not touched these instruments...except in spirit.
| |||||
[Added OCT06]
Alfred Kelf
alfredkelf* Age: 75 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Experience: Civil Engineering Management in the Philippines and Saudi Arabia. Designed Dog Frequency "Whistle" Circuit. | |||||
![]() Has been a member since 1990 (studies permitting). Age: 35 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Experience: Digital Electronics, Programming, Making Printed Circuit Boards, Fault Finding, Electronic Theory, Building Projects in Electronics Magazines, and Computer Interfacing. I have worked on the following kit:
| |||||
[Entered Oct 2006] Simon Murphy
Current E-mail address: Age: 32 Beginner: Yes - more or less Computer(s): Apple Imac G5 (OSX), Apple G4 (OS9) Experience: Been making small battery-powered guitar effects boxes and doing some maintenance on 1950s-60s valve amplifiers since around 2002. Interests: Playing & recording music, old electric guitars, amps, effects pedals etc Qualifications: Nothing relevant to electronics - BA Political Economy, MA History of Film & Video.
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[Entered Oct 2006] Giorgio de Prez
Current E-mail address:, no longer
Lives in Italy, and suggested and contributed to the PIC Zone. PIC Microcontrollers: simple one chip few KByte Computers with interface lines, programmable by Op-codes or PIC BASIC. Used in things like washing machines, and car engines - also can programme things like traffic lights, binary LED counters and push buttons. They were very popular during the later years of the club, and there is a store house of knowledge about them in old BAEC Newsletter articles, and amoung members who I am sure would be happy to help other members new to the subject. | |||||
[Entered Feb 2005] Sam Sainsbury (male)
Current E-mail address: Has been a member since 2005 or before. Age: 25 [as of 2006] Computer: 1.7GHz Athlon, 266 Pentium (felt sorry for it) wireless networked. Experience: Worked as an engineer for several electronics companies and currently for a fruit machine company, do some electronics design freelance sometimes (nothing special!). Interests: Electronics, Tesla, PIC's and some computer programming and I will try to repair most electronic equip. I have been seriously interested since I was 14. Qualifications: C&G 2240 1+2 6958, 2248, PC and peripheral repair, ONC 1+2 PIC microcontroller programming, PAT Testing, Military Electronic/Elec (Vehicle electrics) and PCB repair. | |||||
![]() Prefered E-mail:; also but not Age: 31 [as of 2006] Beginner: Yes Computer: PC P166 with CDR-RW Experience: Slowly building up practical experience, but more into theory. Interests: Computer Programming, interfacing, computer applications / IT, semiconductor manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence, getting into PIC (16F84) microcontroller, teaching and mechatronics. Qualifications: NC Mechanical Engineering, part of BEd(Hons) Technology degree, HND Mechatronics PLUS BSc(Hons) Mechatronics, PLUS in Technological Education, SSE Fellowship and working on my MSc in Engineering Information Technology (Mechatronics). (Semiconductor Manufacture, and Design) with about half HND at Merit, now at University of Abertay-Dundee in 3rd year of BSc(Hons) Mechatronics. Has Workplace Assessor (D32/33) and is a Registered ELS Lecturer. Magazine: EPE via 'net Webpage: I did obtain my D32/33 Workplace Assessor and am a college lecturer at the Adam Smith College, Fife I also have a keen interest in my church and | |||||
Philip Miller Tate
Current E-mail address: ;
Old redundent E-mail address:
Age: 46 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Experience: Keenly interested for 30 years, serious experimenter for last 15 years. Eight-year sabbatical in the World of Work: Senior Scientist, Plessey Research (Caswell) Ltd from 1980. Development of high-speed infra-red PIN diode detectors for optical-fibre telecommunications systems, culminating in the fastest 1.6 micron detector made to that point in 1983; then development of electron-beam lithography technology. Recent career: Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Kingston University from 1994. Qualified with Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCHE) in 1998. Still engaged in active research in polymeric materials as part of the Materials Research Group in the School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Interests: Largely amateur, plus some industrial, general interest in all fields, but tends to avoid 'black box' IC designs. Excel 97 Spreadsheet for Chemistry and Computing Qualifications: BSc Upper second class honours, Applied Physics and Chemistry. "Back to the Ivory Tower: Research Assistant, University of Kent at Canterbury from 1988, working on design, synthesis and evaluation of novel electron-beam polymeric resists. (These are basically radiation-sensitive plastics that are used in the manufacture of integrated circuits or (I hate this word) microchips.) PhD 1992 grandly titled "Intramolecular exciplexes and the radiation crosslinking of substituted polystyrene derivatives". Two more years as post-doctoral researcher, and then I couldn't stand any more, and so..." Magazine: EPE
BAEC Articles:
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Norman Webster
Current E-mail address: ;
Old redundent E-mail address:
Age: 75 [as of 2006] Beginner: No Experience: Built dozens of electronics projects over the years. Currently building a Garage 'Door Open' Sensor using a Bright Red low power LED with 470W, 555 Timer, Cable, and Micro Switch Sensor. Qualifications: Electrical / Civil Engineer. Worked in the Middle East and Africa maintaining and repairing cranes used to build tall buildings. | |||||
Ray Williamson
Current E-mail address: ;
Old redundent E-mail address:
Experience: Converting 3.5 inch floppy disk drives for use with Amstrad PCW computers, normally replacing the original three-inch units (Newsletter article in preparation). A few made-up units are available for sale, complete with metalwork and fixings for various machines. Electronic photographic flash. "I am Curator of a club collection of military and aviation memorabilia in East Sussex. This includes radio equipment (non-working) and a couple of field generators (working) intended to be dropped by parachute for powering T/X sets. I also produce digital films for local charities and voluntary groups (not exactly hands-on electronics)!" Qualifications: Took Elec. Eng. course at UMIST before switching to photography. |
Name, E-mail
Age:** Beginner: Yes/No
Computer(s): ...
Experience: ...
Interests: ...
Qualifications: ...
Magazine: ...
[Photos can also be displayed if you wish]
Additional catergories like Downloads, Operating System, Programming Languages, and Hardware can also be added if required.
Other Old Members with none functioning E-mail Addresses | |
Martin Bethell
Beginner: Yes Experience: Very limited electronics experience, has general interest in most fields of electronics and computers/computing. Interests: Flying and home-built light aircraft. | |
V. Buchanan
Age: 69 [as of 2005] Experience: Programming, designing and making PCB's, Robots, building all kinds of test equipment. Interests: Stamps | |
Robert Ashley Carolan
Age: 52 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Experience: Mainly hobbyist, has built bench power supplies, continuity testers, op-amp testers, current tracker, audio guitar amp, signal generator, and simple function generator. He has a oscilloscope, and DVM. Finds fault finding difficult. He has a BSc and PhD in materials science, and has done electron-lithography in an electron microscope. He is at present trying to develop a fracture toughness testing rig with full computer control and data logging. The test is mechanical and involves loading a pre-cracked specimen to failure, whilst monitoring the load, displacement (specimen movement), crack growth, and crack opening. The control involves only loading, but load, displacement, crack growth, and crack opening must be monitored. Interests: General but specifically instrumentation, which uses more expensive op-amps than most people. Magazine: EPE | |
Michael Clarke
michael.clarke* Age: 66 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Computer: PC Experience: Some construction and RAE pass June 2000 Interests: Construction, Amateur radio ham: callsign: MI1MTC Qualifications: 40 year old BSc Physics Magazine: Electronics, Practical Wireless, RadCom, occasionally Television and Short Wave Magazine | |
Stuart Cording,
New E-mail:
Stuart.Cording* Old E-mail:
| |
Derek J. Dyer
Has been a member since 1994. Experience: purely as a hobbyist, and has made the usual small projects - wave generator, continuity tester, rain alarm, etc..., but no major projects. Interests: D.I.Y., Gardening, Classical music, Travel, surfing the 'net, took flying lessons for some time but never qualified for private licence. Qualifications: heavy current electrics-double National and Higher National. Magazines: Maplins', ETI, and EPE | |
Tony Hitchings
Age: 72 [as of 2005] Computer: 486 100MHz 16MByte Windows 95. Hoping to add some more ram and a little faster processor in the near future. Experience: Spent all his working life in Electrical Contracting a total of 50 years with the same company, the last 10 or so years testing electrical installations to IEE reg's (qualified to the 16th edition), fire alarm commissioning: this involves some computer work as some panels have to be downloaded with information. Been interested in electronics for many years, building mainly test gear in the early days from electronics. Back in the late 1980's we had a contract to wire the first Travel Inn that Whitbread built, this required a disabled alarm system which started off as a mains operated system and over the years I designed and built an electronic system. Magazines: Practical Electronics/Everyday Electronics. Still have some copies back to 1977. | |
Steven John Holder
Age: 36 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Experience: 14 years electronic technician engineer. Currently employed as electronics design engineer, Europa Scientific Ltd., Crewe Interests: Microcontrollers & control instrumentation Magazine: Elector Electronics | |
Sam Jewell jewell* | |
Graham Knott
Webpage: Beginner: No Experience: 40 years in electronics industry and college lecturer | |
David Lacey
david.lacey* Age: 57 [as of 2005] Experience: 30+ years, valves to ICs. Computing ok with hardware, have 386, 486, p233mmx. Can't write programmes. Familiar with TV and video servicing, especially old V2000 machines Magazines: Television and Electronics | |
Richard Lomothey
Lives in Sweden | |
Tom Mullan
tom* Age: 47 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Computer: 350 P11 self built Experience: fair amount Interests: audio projects and PIC's plus a general interest Qualifications: Elect Installation, Full Technicians (Power), BA Degree Magazine: EPE, previously ETI | |
Albert J. Newell
albert.n* Age: 83 [as of 2005] Computer: 386, 486, 686 Experience: A lifetime's absorbtion with all things 'Technical', together with 50 yrs. of technically oriented occupations. I don't have an electronics background but I have, over the years built a number of 'bits and pieces', including some 'Daystrom' stuff, some Maplin items and a couple of computers; [at present I am in the process of building a K2-350 based computer, with a PII in the offing]. Magazine: Maplins 'Electronics' `EPE' and a couple of Computer magazines. Qualifications: I don't have any formal, directly 'electronics' qualifications but I do have, what I think is possibly equally valid and that is 'enthusiasm'. | |
George Peter Walters
Age: 67 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Experience: Limited experience, Taking City & Guilds in Electronics & Computer Systems Course. Interests: Computer, Radio & TV | |
Ted Whittaker
Age: 75 [as of 2005] Beginner: No Computer: Celeron 400. Experience: Professional Meteorologist. Ballistic and Meteorological Instrumentation. Lots of amateur electronic projects over 40 years. Interests: Electronics, pretty wide but a bias towards unusual transducers. Have spent a lot of time working on Vibrating Wire, force to frequency transducers. Qualifications: You must be joking ! How about Matric. 1945. Magazine: EPE | |
Phill Ritchie
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Thomas Samuel Christopher Samuel-Mauryce
Age: 47 [as of 2005] Beginner: Still Amateur in Electronics and the other fields Computer: Word and Text Processing to OCR Level 1, Part 1 Word processing to be Achieved, Part 2 Access Data Basing Achieved, Part 3 Excel Spread Sheets Achieved, Part 4 Microsoft Publisher to be Achieved, Part 5 Microsoft Graphics to be Achieved, Part 6 Microsoft Business Skills to be Achieved, Access To the Internet, To be completed by the end of 2002. Experience: Radio DXing, Disco Light Controllers up to 8 ways, Train control by computer, general electronic circuits Interests: Gardening e.g. Cactus, Chess, Darts,Fishing, Swimming, Music, Travel, Tapestry Making, Snooker, Pool, Wine & Beer Making, Gemmology i.e. The art of cutting and polishing of gemstones, Jewellery making and Metalolagy Magazine: Elektor Electronics, EPE/ETI, PCW, Computer Active |
Other Old Members without E-mail Addresses | |
B.S.Arnold Interests: Photography, Woodwork, DIY |
C.Bibby Interests: Miniature Construction |
W.J.Black Computers: Acorn Experience: Radio Timekeeping Interests: Canoeing, CB, Marine Band Qualifications: RTEB Radio & TV Servicing Certificates |
P.G.Boud Experience: Transducers & Instrumentation Interests: Tropical Fish (Fresh Water & Marine) |
L.Burns Experience: Experimental Projects |
R.Chapman Computers: BBC Model B Built: Enlarger Timer Interests: DIY, Playing Keyboards Qualifications: A Level Electronic Systems C&G Information Technology |
J.D.Clarke Computer: Atari Interests: Model Rockets, Guns, Designing Built: Loudspeakers & Studio Set Up |
D.E.Coleman Interests: Gardening, Woodwork, Model Making |
L.Creer Experience: Worked with Music IC's (Everyday Electronics OCT. 89) |
R.E.Dakin Computers: Spectrum 48K + Disc Drive |
W.E.Darby Experience: Repairers to the Trade, Radio & Audio |
P.J.Elson Computers: Amstrad 6128 Experience: Robotics/Control Qualifications: BSC Mechanical Engineering |
M.Evans Built: Mains Flash & Slave Flash Interests: Photography, Metal Machining |
Richard Evans Computers: Spectrum Interests: Model Railways, Meccano |
A.C.Exley Built: Remote Control Garage Doors & Gate Interests: Music, Finance Qualifications: Arts Degrees |
B.Fogarty Qualifications: ONC Electrical ENG, C&G Electronics Servicing |
D.Green Computers: ZX81 Built: Photo Flash Repeaters & Temperature Controlled Development Bath Interests: Photography, Wine Making |
P.Greenhouse Interests: Reading, Member of many Literary & Music Societies |
W.J.Hall Computers: BBC B Interests: Satellite TV Systems, VHF Bugs |
C.B.Hill Interests: Caravaning, Metalworking, Woodworking, Wine Making, Wood Turning |
P.C.Hallson Computers: Acorn Electron Experience: Designed Photo Colour Meter Built: Binary Randomising Devices Interests: Psychical Research, DIY Qualifications: BSc & PHD Chemistry Photography |
F.Hampson Qualifications: CH. ENG. (MECH) |
D.Hardingham Computers: BBC Model B + many add-ons Interests: Chess, Photography, Minis Qualifications: BSc Computer Science |
L.E.Healey Built: Several Photographic Add Ons Interests: Woodwork, Photography, Gardening |
B.B.Hinton Interests: Music, Aviation |
M.Hooper Built: Percussion Synthesiser Interests: Music Qualifications: BTEC Electronics |
J.Hull Interests: Coin Collecting |
C.K.Jones, Retired Computers: Spectrum +2 |
W.Jonsen Computers: Spectrum, Apricot, Olivetti Interests: Photography |
N.J.Langton Built: Guitar Effects Unit |
F.J.Lemont Computers: Amstrad PCW Qualifications: Full Time Teacher of Analogue & Digital Electronics, C&G Technological Certificate in Music |
J.G.Margetts Computers: IBM PC Built: Nascom (Z80) Interests: Woodwork, Wine Making, Gardening Qualifications: HND |
V.Martin Computers: Commodore 64, Disc Drive, Printer Interests: Photography (EX Pro), Criminology |
Mr. L.Maskey Experience: 1 & 3 Phase Motor Control Interests: Philosophy, Theology, 3rd World Issues Qualifications: HND Electronics |
J.Mather Interests: Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Shooting, Watch & Clock Repairs, Hydraulics, Motors, Car Maintenance, Walking |
J. McDonnell Computers: Amstrad PC 3386 |
B.C.Meek Computers: IBM Portable Experience: Photographic Timers, Densiometers Interests: Boating, Aircraft, Model Engineering Human & Electrical Powered Vehicles Qualifications: Civil & Mechanical Engineer |
J.Michalski Computers: Interested in PC & Atchimedes Qualifications: BSc Physics & Maths |
S.G.Mitchell Computers: Commodore PC 10-3, ICB Jesan 950 Qualifications: HND Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
T.Mulcahy Computers: Apricot, BBC B, Sharp MZ80K, Sinclair Spectrum, ZX81 Qualifications: C&G, ONC |
A.J.Newell Computers: Sinclair QL Experience: Sanyo MBC 775 Interests: Bibliophile |
G.H.Pope Built: Poper Microphone, Electronic Ignition & Car Alarms |
M.Rhodes Computers: PC, Spectrum, CB64, Dragon, VIC20 Etc. Interests: Cycling Qualifications: Electronics & Telecom at Open University |
R.Roberts Interests: Painting, Computing |
T.Ryan Built: Caravan Wind Charger |
F.C.Shead Experience: Electronic Organs Interests: Music, Gardening |
D.Simmons Interests: Photography Qualifications: C&G Telephony |
K.Simpson Computers: Amstrad PCW 8256 Experience: Medical Electronics, Ventilation Monitoring & Control Qualifications: Medical/Veterinary Physiology |
George Smith Computers: BBC B Interests: Home Brewing/Wine Making |
H.Smith Interests: Metalwork, Woodwork, Gadgets |
W.A.Smith Interests: Coastal Sailing, Caravaning Qualifications: EX RADAR Mechanic |
P.J.Strong Qualifications: Teacher of Electronics (C&G), Mechanical Engineer |
R.Taylor Computers: Commodore 64 Interests: Woodwork |
Rex Taylor Qualifications: OND National College of Technology Course |
D.N.Teague Computers: Amstrad CPC464 Interests: Chess, Music (Classical), Computing Qualifications: Maths Degree |
R.G.Ticehurst Built: Guitar Sound Effects Unit, Echo Unit Interests: Water Gardens |
Henry A.Tolmia Computers: Amstrad PCW 8512 Experience: Remote Control Devices for Disabled Interests: Sailing Qualifications: HNC Mechanical Engineering |
H.E.Torrance Interests: Guitar, Astronomy |
S.Tucker Computers: ZX Spectrum Built and Serviced: Mobile Disco Built |
D.J.Vere Computers: Lynx 48K Experience: Astra BSB and Satellite DXing Qualifications: C&G IN Microcomputers & Electronics, Sony TV Certified |
John Walsh Computers: BBC Electron |
P.Williams Experience: Manufacturer of static & moving Lights & Effects |
M.White Computers: Archimedes Acord A3000, Spectrum ZX81, BBC Master 128 Qualifications: GCSE Digital Electronics |
A.G.Wingrove Computers: Memotech, Acorn, Archimedes Built: Darkroom Timer Interests: Wine Making Qualifications: Assists with School GCSE Projects, M.I.E.E. |
B.J.Wright Interests: Gardening, DIY, Preparing for Morse Test |
If anyone doesn't want to be on this list or if their details are incorrect please E-mail the BAEC Archive Webmaster, and I will take you off or change them. Anyone wishing to be added to this list can also send an E-mail. Addresses and Telephone Numbers are only available to B.A.E.C. Members and come with the Newsletter. Some off this information may be out of date, particularly the Computers.