I am 10 years old. I love to bike ride with my Dad and sisters. My Dad is a preacher and postmaster. My sisters are Vangi, 17 years old and Kandi, 14 years old. My Mom is a homemaker. I love to have friends over to my house and I like to go home with them, also. I love dalmations, even tho I don't have one as a pet. Mom says no! She thinks I would not take care of it and she doesn't have time. She says she has enough to do just keeping up with our messes. Could she be right?

This is written on May 16, 1998
Oh, the above paragraph was written when I started my web page. But this paragraph is so exciting to write. My Mom has given in and let me have a dog, yes, it is a DALMATION ! ! ! ! ! I was so excited. Let me tell you how it happened. My sister and her friend was taking pictures by the interstate in the wild flowers. The dog came up to them and they played with him. They saw he had a name tag on and called the owner. (they thought) So the people were not really nice, so they called home begging for someone to come get the dog. Oh by the interstate he would get killed and they sure did not want that to happen. Well, my Mom went and got the dog and she called the owner. Now this is were it gets even more exciting! While talking with the owner we found out she is giving the dog away. We had some sweet talking to do. Now Mom says talk to your Dad and we finally won out. The dog owner came for her name tag collar and we were so happy when she left and we still had a dalmation in our yard. Now let's get to the name. The owner had gave it the name Lucky, so we thought it fit the occasion really well, so now you know my dogs name. LUCKY! Please enjoy the pictures that my sister took of him on the day he became mine.




I really love JESUS. He has given me a beautiful family. And THANKS Mom & Dad for allowing me to have my dalmation.

The picture below is some of my friends and I. Aren't we Cute?

Friends Are Friends Forever

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My Mom



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