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This border was made from a picture of my aunt when she was in her early 20's.  The picture is app.. 65 years old.  She was a lovely woman.  I placed her on this page, as she would have enjoyed this poem.



Sometimes it's hard to keep going each day
Sometimes we just have to let things come as they may
Sometimes, what we "feel" over-rides what we "know"
Sometimes we're just tossed in our minds to and fro
Sometimes a darkness will seep deep within
Makes us numb, makes us sightless, we can't seem to win
Sometimes when no one on earth understands
It's hard to keep trusting, having faith to hold on


Sometimes we like to set "times" on how long we should cry
How long we'll feel empty and hurting .....and we try..
Sometimes we just know deep inside that the process must flow
But the waves of our feelings sometimes overthrow
All our logic and reasoning, all our hopes and our dreams
And we wonder if backwards we're going.... so it seems
Sometimes buried fragments have sat from the past
Sometimes they come out and we hope they won't last


Sometimes as we sort and we sift through the feelings that reign
We find other feelings , those fragments, come up and bring pain.
Sometimes it's by moment, sometimes by hour or by days
Continually focusing our heart on our center is essential..it pays
For entering these turbulent times of the soul
Can not be measured by what we "should" know
These times and these seasons are meant for our growth
Are meant for the treasure of our souls undergrowth


Sometimes in this process we want to give in,
hide our heads ,hide our hearts, bury, stuff feelings back in
Sometimes, but not now, let them up, let them go
Bring into awareness all you feel.. all you know
Sometimes you will find that your center returns ..
But remember those feelings..and learn to discern
Sometimes they're deceptive, sometimes they're off course
Sometimes they are residues of past healing.. not the source.


Sometimes you will wonder why all this has come,.. don't despair
You'll  go through, you'll come out, and you'll find it's not rare
Sometimes we will know why,... sometimes we will not,
It's okay, it's all right, for a battle's been fought.
Sometimes things are happening deep down in our heart
And we know.. that we know.. and we make a fresh start
So..sometimes when the tears come and "feelings" take their toll
Remember the treasure...the growth of your soul.


By Gentle Dove

Deborah L. Kamphuis/97

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