Blessed Children
AIM Usernames Doorway

Well, hello, hello. Welcome to the doorway of the BC American Online Instant Messenger Usernames.

If you dont know what AOL Instant Messenger is, lemme explain....and if you do, just skip this paragraph. Kay, AOL Instant Messenger is a message service hosted by American Online. Now, its totally free, and ya don't hafta have AOL to use this program. The way it works is, when ya sign on, you have a buddy list and you put the usernames of people ya know on the list. If your "buddies" are signed on, they will appear in the "online" folder. Then you can instantly message them. Its private, and a lot faster than a chat room. But fortunately, like a chatroom, you can block people if they're buggin yaz. There are actually some pretty cool features ya can add to ya messages. On a PC, the font can come in different colors, and ya can make smiley faces. On the Mac, you can do different types of fonts, like palatino, helvetica and shtuff. As you can see, i have already fully explored the wonderful world of AIM. I don't know if you should be impressed or take pity on me, but anyways, to get more information about the program go here. To go ahead and download the program click on this button. Download AOL
  Instant Messenger Free!

Kay, this page of usernames is only for Blessed Children. Its purpose is to keep BC in contact, so if ya aint BC, sorry bubb. To get the password to access the page, you have to email SuGin. You can do this by clicking on the girl below.


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