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You're invited to join the "KIC List," the oldest Catholic homeschooling email list on the Net! It's FREE!

As a member of the KIC List, you'll get trustworthy help and inspiration for your Catholic homeschool from

Marianna Bartold,
author of
The Keeping It Catholic Home Education Guides.

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Join the Keeping it Catholic Crusade!

Our general mission is to share and defend the Catholic Church's perennial teachings, especially those in regard to marriage and education. KIC's special focus is Catholic education at home, also known as Catholic homeschooling.

Because we are faithful Catholics, our philosophy is the authentic scholastic philosophy of the Catholic Church.

KIC imitates the Catholic Action apostolate of old, adopting its motto as our own:

Pray.  Study. Act.

Everyone's Talkin' about...
The Age of Mary Catholic Study Guides!


"I'm so excited because we could use the Guide right away. It popped
up in our email box and what a great surprise it was! It's so beautiful, and it definitely makes homeschooling my sons so easy. I feel
like I can breathe again!"
- - L.N., OH


"My kids love your Guide , and so do I."
- N.H., MO


"You weren't kidding when your website said the Guide was almost
a curriculum. As far as I'm concerned, it already IS a curriculum!"
- K.S., FL


"I don't feel guilty anymore. With my big family, I spend so much
time with my younger ones that I felt my older ones weren't getting the Catholic education I wanted for them.
Now I don't have to worry, since my teenagers are using your
Catholic Study Guide without any complaints!"
- O.P., VA


"The Lesson Ideas and the interactive links are just fantastic. The best thing is, I'm learning a lot more, right along with my kids.
Thanks for the morale booster! I can hardly wait for the next one!"
- B.L, NV


"The Catholic Study Guide is so beautiful!I love Our Lady and I love the way you explain what the Church teaches about her . My whole  family is learning so much...I'm already looking forwa rd to the next
- M.W., PA


"Talk about some very great additions for our portfolio! I haven't yet had a chance to print out the Guide – my kids were too busy
using it!"
- L.D., MI


"We put away the books and starting using your Guide. What a great time saver! I don't have to buy any more books, rewrite lesson
plans, or nag my kids to do their work. Thank heavens for Keeping It
- S.B., NY


"I can't buy Catholic syllabi like this anywhere else [for such a low price] for the whole year! And I can use it with all of my older kids, not just one grade level."

"It's perfect for families on a tight budget! "
- C.C., SC


 Mailing Address:

604 S. Main St.
Suite 224
Lapeer, MI 48446


10 Years of "Keeping It Catholic" on the Net!

It all began with my small but growing email list for Catholic homeschooling parents. In the summer of 1996, one of my articles -
"How to Keep Your Homeschool Catholic" - made a surprising impact on Catholic homeschooling parents nationwide.  In fact, the response was so incredible that I wrote another version of that commentary, which later appeared (in my "Sursum Corda" homeschooling column). In its own turn, that one piece of writing brought forth more emails, phone calls, and letters from around the world. 

A simple yet important reminder about how (and why) we must keep our homeschools thoroughly Catholic, that single article brought to contemporary Catholic parents a long over-due awareness of the Catholic Church's doctrine on the Christian (meaning Catholic) education of youth. It also brought to a clearer focus the true purpose of my already existing email list, which was promptly christened "Keeping It Catholic" (KIC). 

From KIC's email list sprang the KIC website, followed by my books - The Keeping It Catholic Home Education Guides. On this site, you will find sample reviews from both Volume I: The Foundations (see The Importance of Keeping It Catholic plus my Catholic Homestudy Reviews and Parent Help Reviews), and Volume 2: History  (which, despite the brief title, is about teaching and learning history with a Catholic conscience  rather than a "Catholic perspective").

Both books help you learn more about the Church's doctrine on the Christian education of children and teens, discover the "four main temperaments" and which ones can be found in your own family, customize your own Catholic curriculum, review Catholic home study programs, companies, and publishers, locate the best materials for your family, recognize Red Flags in resources, understand the main educational methods, set goals, keep records, reference handy history lists (appreciate "living books" when read "through eyes of faith"), use the Internet to supplement your homeschool, and more.

As you can see, the KIC site also features articles for Catholic homeschooling families, my blog "Keeping It Catholic with Marianna Bartold," FAQ's (a "Q&A" about Catholic education at home, with answers from Church doctrine), the Homeschool News Archives, info on "homeschool" sacramental guidelines which starts here, the now-famous Red Flag pages that help you avoid "Pitfalls on the Path," a few inspiring stories and humor collected from the Internet, and, hopefully, more to come in the following years!

In the meantime,  I personally invite you to read the excerpts below , which are taken from my books, the The Keeping It Catholic Home Education Guides .

Incidentally, the first excerpt below introduces you to a re-discovered truth well-described by none other than the Catholic historian and apologist, Hillaire Belloc, and the second is about "living" books in the Catholic curriculum.  But keep scrolling after that, because there's more!

Once you're finished perusing the KIC website, why not join the Keeping It Catholic Email List - the very same list that really started it all? We'll be glad to see you with us! ~ Marianna C. Bartold, KIC


A Catholic "Perspective" or a Catholic Conscience?
  Excerpt from Keeping It Catholic's Home Education Guide, Volume IThe Foundations

"Catholic sources give us more than what some call the "Catholic perspective," which is a limiting and neutralizing phrase, for perspective is too often a mere viewpoint. Today, all viewpoints are perceived as equal and valid, but we know that a viewpoint is not necessarily the truth..."

"Words and phrases are powerful. Words become ideas and ideas become actions. Since words which we tend to pick up and tend to repeat eventually impact our thinking, I suggest that we drop the phrase "Catholic perspective" and instead speak of the Catholic conscience , as explained by Hillaire Belloc in his book, Europe and the Faith. In the book's Introduction, Belloc wrote: "

'This talk of 'aspects' is modern and therefore part of a decline: I will not  stoop to it. I will rather do homage to the truth and say that there is no such thing as a Catholic 'aspect' of European history. There is no such thing as a 'Catholic' aspect to history. There is a Protestant aspect, a Jewish aspect, a Mohammedan aspect, a Japanese aspect, and so forth. For all of these look on Europe from without. The Catholic sees Europe from within.' "

Living Books through Eyes of Faith
  Excerpt from Keeping It Catholic's  Home Education Guide, Volume 2:  [Teaching] History

"Story telling is the simplest and most enjoyable way of teaching elementary age students about history. A 'living book' is often a short story, a novel or a biography in print form that takes the readers into another person's life and time. Parents can help their children discover the world around them through the eyes of faith by using both Catholic history texts and 'living' books in the curriculum."

"The motives for reading living books are two, one obvious and one not. The obvious aim is to make history real to the student; the second (and more important objective) is to cultivate the Catholic conscience."

Light a Single Candle:
  The Secret of the Catholic City
[With an article from KIC's Special "Return of the King" Issue ]

In "A Letter to Dean Inge," Hillaire Belloc wrote, "One thing in this world is different from all other things. It has a personality and a force. It is recognized and (when recognized) most violently loved or hated. It is the Catholic Church. Within that household the human spirit has roof and hearth. Outside it, is the night."

If, as Belloc observed, outside the Church is the night, then truly: "It is better to light a single candle than to sit and curse the dark." Marianna Bartold writes about the Church's mission to "restore all things in Christ" in "Light a Single Candle: The Secret of the Catholic City."

What Readers are Saying
...about the Keeping It Catholic Home Education Guides

"The 'Expanded Red Flag List' (in Volume 1) is the best! We are finally determined to keep those Red Flags out of our house. We've justified too much over the years. Thank you for all you are doing."
-Lisa V., PA

"I cannot live without either one of these books! Love the sections on personalities, Red Flags, basically love everything about both books! Keep the 'Keeping It Catholic' volumes coming!"
- Diane G., GA

"ALL of Volume I: The Foundations has been a lifeline to me, sort of the way The Lord of the Rings, Narnia and the Curdie books are... it's that appeal to normalcy and faith and the ways things ought to be...Kyrie Eleison! Can't we just have things the way they ought to be?"
- Syler W., TX

"Finally, a Catholic resource that we Catholic homeschooling parents can completely trust! ...What else can I say except - thanks to you and your books...we will be 'Keeping It Catholic' and there will not be any more RED FLAGS in our house!"

- Karen C., MD 

"I greatly appreciated the reviews of specific texts...which helped me decide what to buy and what to skip!"
-Holly B., CO

"Every time I read them again, something 'new' seems to jump out at me that is needed at that specific time."
-Tabatha K., SC

With the Grace of God and a little help from you...
Miracles Happen

Although KIC does not have 501-C (tax-exempt) status, it is a non-profit apostolate in the truest sense of the word. All the work done for KIC is a volunteer effort, always running on "a wing and a prayer."

We are grateful for all donations and include your name to our Mass and Rosary intentions.
Your financial support helps KIC reach and teach more parents about the Church's doctrine on the Christian (meaning Catholic) education of youth. By reaching parents, we can do more to help children receive the Catholic education which God intended them to have when you kindly...



"True Christian education is Catholic education."

-Marianna Bartold,  KIC Home Education Guide, Volume I:
The Foundations

"Keeping It Catholic" and "Keep It Catholic."
Trademark & Copyright KIC. 1996-2007.

All Rights Reserved World-Wide.

The Age of Mary
is this year's theme for the Catholic Study Guides


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"The Keeping It Catholic Home Education Guides"  
by Marianna Bartold

Volume I: The Foundations of Catholic (Home) Education

Volume II: (Teaching) History with a Catholic Conscience

-Written  especially for the parents who want to "Keep It Catholic" in their homes and homeschools!

Featuring educational tips, details, review of products, programs, publishers & other homeschool suppliers , the Home Education Guides create a complete Catholic family resource guide that helps you:

-Customize your own Catholic curriculum
-Select a Catholic home study program or service
-Learn over 12 points about parents as educators
-Locate the best materials for your family
-Get the scoop & find out more before you buy!
-Mix and match the main educational methods
-Set goals & keep records
-Reference handy Catholic reading lists
-Know your family's character traits
-Discover how temperament affects teaching and learning styles
-Create your own Catholic unit studies
-Use the Internet to supplement your homeschool with screened links
-Provide a Catholic education in your home
-Recognize "Red Flags" in Resources! 

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