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_#1 Selling DVD

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Top 5 selling DVDs
as of Jan 16th

  1. The Matrix
  2. Thomas Crown Affair
  3. American Pie
  4. Mystery men
  5. Lake Placid

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Friday, March 28th, 125.

March 7th..... Affair To Remember, An (Fox) Angel In Training (Image) Bauhaus: Gotham (Music Video) Bear, The (Columbia/TriStar) Bennett, Tony: A Special Evening With Tony Bennett (Image) Catnapped! The Movie (Pioneer) Circuit 5 (Warner Music) Dead Of Night (A-Pix) D.O.A. (1950) (Image) Dog Of Flanders (Pioneer) Ellington, Duke: Sacred Concerts (Image) End Of The Earth: The Abyss Of Movile Cave (Image) Eruption Of Mount St. Helen (IMAX) (Slingshot) Evening With Sherlock Holmes, An (Focus Films) Eyes Wide Shut (Warner) Finding North (Wolfe) Highwayman, The (Sterling) How Green Was My Valley (Fox) Impact (Image) In Passione Domini Concerto: Jose Cura: Jubilaeum (Image) King Of Masks, The (Columbia/TriStar) Legend Of Rudolph Valentino, The (Image) Love Is A Many Spendored Thing (Fox) Midnight Tease/Mightnight Tease 2 (New Horizons) S.O.S. Coast Guard (Roan) Stendhal Syndrome: Special Edition (Troma) Trial, The (1962) (Image) Vendetta (HBO) Who's Harry Crumb? (Columbia/TriStar) Woodstock '99 (Sony Music) Zion Canyon (IMAX)

_DVD Info Sites (Region 1)

One of the best DVD sources on the Web for Info and news!

A very informative Site and the best source for rental locations worldwide!

A very comprehensive and well written Site!

The name says it all!

DVD info galore here!

Great of source of news, info and reviews!

Another good Site

The authority on DVD!
DVD video group official Site

Great Site for new releases!

One of the first DVD sites and still going strong!

News and DVD forum!

The DVD and LD companion!

Good source of entertainment info

The authority on everything about High Definition Television!

Anything about the home theater arena!

_Foreign Sites

DVDown Under (Australia)

DVD Box Office (Canada)

DVD Arkivet (Norway)

Filmifriikki (Finland)

DVD4You (Sweden) BR (Brazil)

DVDcz (Czech)

DVD en Francais (France)

CiudaDVD (Argentina)

DVDplus (UK)

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The Right Stuf (Japan)

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DVD-Station (Germany)

Email me the best DVD web site in your country and I will add it to this list!

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The largest LD/DVD mail order! They stock every title! An excellent company! Movies, music and more!

Buy movies and books!

Great fast reliable service and prices!

Good deals on DVD all the time!

A good DVD site!

Home of the hardcore DVDs!

A place where you can get great deals on DVD!

Home of the $14.95 DVD on the Net

Best prices on audio/video equipment on the Web! Nice guys too!

_Movie Sites (non DVD)

The Internet Movie Database

Microsoft Cinemania(TM)

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Hollywood Online

E!Online Movie Reviews

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Siskel & Ebert

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