On the left are some basic facts about Sandra Bullock. As of July 15th, 1998, they were accurate. This page will be updated each month, as long as there is good new infomation to include. Enjoy!
Birthdate: July 26, 1965 (?) Family: John and Helga, sister Gesine Stats: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'7 1/2, size 8 1/2 shoe, between 110 and 120 pounds. Resides in: Austin, TX Relationship: none? Start in acting: On stage in one of her mother's operas when she was 8. She played a gypsy girl. Education: After attending Washington-Lee High School, she went to East Carolina University to study drama. She starred in The Three Sisters there. But, she left in 1986 for NY, a few credits shy of graduating. Talents: She can play the piano. First job: Tending bar while studying acting in NY. She lied to get the job- she couldn't mix any drinks, so a customer helped her! Basic Facts: She has a scar over her right eye, a souvenior of falling in a creek when she was 11. She traveled between Germany and Virgina as a child because of her mother's opera career. She starred in the VERY short-lived series, Working Girl, in 1990. She was a cheerleader in high school. Fun Fact: While filming While You Were Sleeping in 1994, she was caught stealing from the director's stash of candy! But, he didn't mind- much. Quote: "There is something comfortable about me. I'm like a sleeper sofa. A good couch that your grandmother has."