Hope Comes Floating in...

                           As any red-blooded Sandra fan knows,
                           Hope Floats opened in theaters May 29th.
                           I saw it a few days ago and I think that
                           everyone who likes Sandy even a LITTLE
                           has to see this film. It is easliy her
                           best film ever and I love everything she
                           has done! So, GO SEE IT! 
                           The Plot: Birdee (Sandy) goes on The Toni
                           Show, a talk show resembling Ricki Lake,
                           thinking that she is getting a make over.
                           Well, her best friend is on the show to 
                           tell her that she is sleeping with Birdee's
                           husband and that he loves her. Birdee is,
                           of course, devastated, and she packs up her
                           life and her daughter Bernice (Mae Whitman-
                           terrific little actress!) to come back to
                           her home town.  The ex- prom queen doesn't
                           get the best reception from her schoolmates
                           because she didn't treat them well.  To top
                           all that off, her first love, Justin, comes
                           around and tries to sweep the sullen Birdee
                           off her feet, no matter how much Bernice 
                           dislikes him.  And to put the finishing
                           touches on her problems, her mom is a bit
                           weird, her nephew crawls around in animal
                           costumes, and she finds answers to her 
                           problems at a local bar.

                           Don't miss this scene:  A bully beats up
                           Bernice for hitting her with a volleyball
                           as dozens of classmates watch.  When she 
                           comes home, Birdee cheers her up by 
                           dressing her family up really weird and 
                           lip-synching.  It is the best funny scene
                           of the film. A classic!  Watch for it!

                           The Rating:  2 thumb way up!
                                        4 stars!
                                        A + + + +
                                        Oscar worthy!

                          In other words, DON"T MISS THIS ONE!!!

                           Cast: Sandra Bullock
                                 Harry Conick Jr
                                 Mae Whitman
                                 Gena Rowlands
                           Directed by:  Forest Whitaker
                           Produced by: Sandy, among others!

                                 Rated: PG 13.

                         "Back home we had a skunk.  Mom called it 
                         Justin Mattise.  Do you think that's a 
                         coincidence?  All day long, Mom would yell, 
                         "You stink, Justin Mattise!"  One day she 
                         just picked up a club and killed it."

                         "Well, that's a sad story."

                         "If you like the skunk, which we didn't."
                         Bernice and Justin, a scene from Hope Floats.

                         The pic above is from the scene I described
                         in the reivew.  It is sooo great!


Hope floats Site at Fox Movies
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