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(with petitions)

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Note: This novena prayer may be read daily for nine days. We suggest that additional petitions be added according to the needs of the area.


Opening Prayer

God our Father,
We come to You as one people
Praying for our country in this moment of transition.
Once again,
We will choose our government leaders.
You gave us this responsibility.
We pray that You enable us to do our duty
According to Your will.
We also beg for the grace:
Of an open heart to receive whatever You will for us,
Of courage to do our duty,
Of faithfulness to Your ways,
Of faith to trust in You.
We ask all these as one People,
Through the intercession of Mary our Mother,
In the Name of Christ our Lord.


Novena Petitions

L: In this year of the Holy Spirit, let us invoke His name as we present our intentions. For every petition we pray,

Holy Spirit of Love, teach us Your ways.

P: For the Church and our leaders, the Bishops, that they may continue to be faithful to the call of Christ to be witnesses of the Gospel, especially this time of elections, we pray:

P: For all candidates, may they choose to take the peaceful means of electoral process, respect the will of the people and be motivated by genuine service for the common good, we pray:

P: For the Commission on Elections, may they be faithful to their call and responsibility of protecting the interest of the majority and preserve the sanctity of our vote, we pray:

P: For all PPCRV, Namfrel and Votecare Volunteers, may the Holy Spirit fill them with inspiration, strength and generosity as they protect the sanctity of the ballot; and may they be protected from all harm and evil elements, we pray:

P: For the Filipino Electorate, may each one be granted the grace of discernment to choose the right and deserving candidates who will be our nation's leaders as we move on to the new millennium, we pray:

L: Heavenly Father, in union with Christ and the Holy Spirit, we beseech You to listen to our prayers. We consecrate our nation to Your divine protection and love as we go through this very significant event as a nation. Grant that this elections be honest, orderly, peaceful and meaningful to all. We ask You this through the intercession of the blessed Mary, our Mother, Amen.

Closing Prayer (Prayer for Elections)

Lord of our lives and our history,
You empower us to choose by our votes
those whom You wish to govern us.
Soon we shall once more use our sacred right to vote;
Grant our voters the grace to choose wisely
the people who will be entrusted with public office.
Make us choose persons of high moral integrity,
honest, competent and unselfish,
who love the poor and promote the common good
in a spirit of genuine service and love,
persons who will lead us to unity and progress as a people.
Give us the grace of courage and watchfulness, Lord,
so that before, during, and after the elections,
we may resist and overcome
all those who do not have the common good in mind.
May these coming elections be peaceful and orderly
and show that we are a mature people
who stand on the side of justice and truth.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.







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Christian Action for Peaceful and Meaningful Elections
Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City
Tel. No. 924-4951 local 3588, Fax No. 924-4442
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