About Deimos

I sit listening to a jazz program on public radio, wondering what will catch someone else's ear--I'm glad to hear that the piano in a scratchy recording is in tune!

Given that I live out of the mainstream, accessing the Net via DOS/Unix/lynx and am comfortable with white text on black background for all the Net working that I do from my home computer, I'm exploring the possibilities I can see and will find out from the effects how well it's working.

I decided to become computer literate in 1990, reading Russ Walter's Secret Guide to Computers, taking workshops at the local community college, subscribing to a computer magazine and joining a PC user's group. It was a lot of fun to spend free time in the computer lab, learning from the tutor there who ran his own BBS. It's fun to learn from people who give direct answers about the way computers and networks work. It's even more fun to learn from doing--having support nearby to explain why the computer is working the way it does! Little did I dream that the learning situation I was entering would become so entrancing!

Every day now, I enjoy working and playing on the Internet even when I get lost.

I'm listening to a NPR jazz show as I write this--it's a change from the classical music I grew up listening to and playing. Although I don't practice the piano much these days there are times when I practice enough daily to enjoy playing.

These days I spend hours at the keyboard every day. My goal is to install and run linux so that I no longer use a computer that relies on Microsoft programming. To balance daily hours of sitting at the keyboard, I cycle almost daily year round--sometimes stressful when it's snowing or raining or very windy. I've been cycling year round for 5 years now.

I'm sorting through winter projects for 1998. It's time to catch up on deferred maintenance on the house, and I want to read more books from my TRQ (To Read Queue: from Fidonet's SF echo.)

Once I've edited this webpage to suit my tastes, I will start maintaining it. I'll move from playing with website and webpage design and implementation to making my current skills and interests more productive.


[ felix the cat ]

I *heart animations!

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© 1998 Deimos