First of all--Please do not mistake this for a site based solely on wisdom and optimistic ideals. All of this is based on the senseless ramblings of one man. Devlin. Many of the things spoken within will offend as well as enlighten. All that is asked upon entering is that you think with an open mind, and not a communal one.

Information about the author: Devlin ------> Bio
The Ramblings that Started it all ---------> Chaos of the Mind
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Joke of the ...when i had time ------------> Jokes


First of all, I want to bitch about all of the Bishops, Cardinals, and Priest out there who believe that it is alright for them to go on and allow child molesters to continue preaching the word of God. If a man believes that he has the right to sexually abuse a child, how can one believe that he is truly telling a person what God is trying to tell me? Currently there are talks of reforming the rules of the church to change such things so priests who are guilty of such crimes shall be removed from church work. Who is making it an issue that there even has to be talks about it? Shouldn't it be common sense that if these men are doing this they should be removed automatically?

It seems that the Vatican is making things harder than they should be for these changes to take place, but why should we be so surprised? The Vatican has made change harder and harder for centuries. "Oh. You think the world is round? You must die." There are many other reasons I do not like the Vatican, but I'll lay off them this time. There are other things in the world that are happening.

Israeli troops are having fun these days. Personally I applaud their method of justice. Although, I do realize that without a "fair" trial, they can't really prove that these people did these things. A little while ago, Israeli troops captured and killed an Islamic Jihad leader believed to be guilty of orchestrating two bus bombings that killed 31 people. The hunt started three weeks ago, and ended Saturday November 9th. The man, Iyad Sawalha, was locked up in his house when Israeli soldiers surrounded, seeking only to arrest the man. Shots were fired from within the house and the soldiers opened fire. Not only did someone shoot from the inside, but also grenades were lobbed from inside the house. Sawalha was 28.

I think the other thing that sort of bugs me about things lately is that the militant leaders of the world are getting younger and younger. Remember those times when those leaders were of the rank of corporal or general? It doesn't seem that long ago does it? That's because it wasn't. Just a few years ago, Russian generals were becoming militant leaders. But now that this war on terrorism has started, it's out with the old and in with the new. In some ways I'm quite glad to see that happen, but I'm also afraid for such things. Obviously there is a larger problem when the young leaders come around even after seeing their "mentors" arrested and killed. They have to realize that it is not a life for them that will last very long if they do this. If we could stop the recruitment of such organizations we could cut down on these problems easier. The more we fight this in conventional ways, the less progress we'll make.

So I guess that I am against the war on Iraq. Others won't agree with me. They'll say that the best thing to do will be to go out there and "bomb the hell out of them." It's in my opinion that we didn't exactly do the best we could in the past. If it was our intent to stop future attacks on ourselves the first time around, we failed. Such acts of violence not only promote more violence, but they fuel the ammunition members of these militant groups use to recruit the newer members.

So they say that Bin Laden is Dead. They tell me that when they attacked his hiding places they incinerated any evidence of his DNA. Yet, in the past when they bombed they hell out of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were still remains of humans. I was told that there were no nuclear weapons used in that campaign. If that is true, that what is it that they used to incinerate any remains what so ever of Osama Bin Laden? If we can prove that that bastard is actually dead, than we have won half the battle. Without it, they militant leaders of today can still say that he lives on.

Until we can collectively get along, things of this nature will continue. As far as I am concerned, I'll never see such a life within my lifetime. I guess we'll see.