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witch homes afire chinese caves fire study
Earliest Man-Made Stone Found
On broad plains layered with silt from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers,the people of ancient Mesopotamia managed to build the first cities and spreading empires without local sources of such raw materials of civilization as timber,metal ores,and stone.What they could not import,they had to do without,or,as archeologists have now discovered,learn how to make sythetic substatutes.
Archeologists and geologists reported finding the first evidence of artificial stone in the ruins of Mashkan-shapir,a city that existed about 4,000 years ago in what is now southern Iraq.
Artisans had apparently heated fine-grained alluvial silt to melting temperatures,then slowly cooled it to produce rock-hard slab resembling a type of volcanic rock.
Dr. Elizabeth C. Stone,an archeologist at the State University of New York,at Stony Brook,described the discovery in the current Dr. Stones excavations in the late 1980's established Mashkan-shapir as a relatively large city of 15,000 people in the early second millenium B.C. after the collapse of the city of UR as the center of power.After a brief period of glory,Mashan-shapir declined and was abandoned in 1720 B.C.Its ruins disappeared in the desert until archeologists began digging there this century.
The synthetis basalt,Dr.Stone and her colleagues reported,appears to have been manufactured in some quantity as a substitute for the natural basalt that had been used for grinding grain in all parts of the ancient Near East since the beginning of agriculture.
Such early production of synthetic stone was previously unknown to historians,but its discovery suggests the existance of creative collaboration between metallurgists and ceramicists in Mesopotamia about 4,000 years ago.
witch homes afire
Witch's Homes set afire in a small town in Tennessee
7-12-98 (C) Batsnbellfrie zine
The Inquisition fires are still aburning bright in some parts of the U.S.A.Because of the source of this article,whom by legal restrain,for some reason was not"permitted" to speak of this,town,or events that transpired,but still felt that Pagans and Wiccans everywhere has a right to know,I salute you...
Some house's were set a fire during a meeting that we were having,at the same time there was a Town Meeting going on in another chamber of the building,and some passer by's heard what the conversation was about."Wicca"."There was an occasional jeer and dirty look from those who didnt really understand the importance of the Meeting" and after a little while,someone came by and said..."Some houses were on fire!"and the meeting quickly dispersed to find out what was going on in this "Small town in Tennessee."
"Much to our surprise,most of the homes on fire were the Wiccan Meeting members."and the attendants were agast at the thought of losing there life possessions and yes a few did..."But the part that I think that really tells the tale of this,that Newpapers and TV stations were not permitted to report this."and this isnt right, my source said..."We were only having a Meeting and opening the Area up to Wicca."
"Well soon on Monday july 13th 1998,I must go and speak in court about this..and am I going to give them a piece of my mind!"my source also said, "It was nice though and such a surprise that some of the peoples who's houses got burned,found some of the towns people rebuilding the home's that was damaged"
"I want to know why the Media was surpressed,and in the Modern day,nearing the 21st century,people are still acting like the Burning Times are still permitted to go on!"
From another standpoint,it has been"Rumored"that this source and Burnings never really happened,and that it was all fabricated.Well first of all,I heard this from another source's as well,three others as a matter of fact,who told the near same story,and all of them dont know each other,personally,online or offline.
"Censorship" and "Media Surpression" has always been the device of the Ignorant when the voices of wisdom ring out,and "unecessary fear" becomes the motivating factor.
When I asked my source."What now?" "Whats the next step?" and the reply was,"Well we're not sure at the moment,but at least the area has been opened up a little bit more." "When I can release more of what happened I will,but the Attorney said for the moment to remain silent."
I had asked the source, if the meeting was successful and if the fires veared anyone away from future meetings,and the reply was,"I think this has made us stronger and closer,but I do believe that the others will be on their guard for atime." "One thing though is that the group is a spirited bunch,and this has left me wondering about certain things myself." "I am wore out with this already,Im exausted."
Writers note: I have never met this Wiccan personally,but have spoken with many times online.I usually wouldnt write a story with out more hard copy facts to back up the claim,but sometimes we need to follow our intuition,and mine said "to write this up,it is a real event being surpressed." I cannot vouch for the steadfastness of this source or the other sources incurred,but I will say that I have heard of such "Events" in the past,in other places,and found that said "rumors" were true fact,but being manipulated to serve an ignorant,unenlightened communities in which the "Events" took place.
I stand by what I write,and will update all information when I recieve it.
chinese caves fire study
Chinese Cave not the Oldest Place for Fire-Study
7-9-1998 (C)Reuters Limited
By Michael Kahn
Since the early 1930's scientists believed a cave in China rich with fossil remains was the place where humans first controlled fire as long as 500,000 years ago.
But a new chemical analysis challenges this view and concludes Peking Man did not actually conquer fire in the cave,which is located in the southwestern suburbs of Beijing in Zhoukoudian,researchers said on Thursday.
"This site doesnt prove the use of fire," said Clark Howell,a Paleontologist at the University of California at Berkeley,who did not work on the study but who is familiar with the cave."There was certainly no burning in the cave itself."
In the study ,published by the journal Science,a team of researchers said a lack of ask and charcoal remains at the cave was proof hat early Peking man did not use fire.
"No ash or charcoal remnants could be detected,"the researchers,headed by Steve Weiner from the Weizman Institute of Science in Isreal,wrote."Hence,although indirect evidence for burning is present,there is no direct evidence for in situ burning."
Many scientists had pointed to the presence of burnt animal bones and stone tools at the cave,dated to between 200,000 and 500,000 years ago,as evidence the early cave dwellers could control fire.
But these fossilized remains do not necessarily mean early humans killed and cooked animals,the researchers,a team of experts from Israel,the United States and China,concluded.
"The co-occurance of burned black bones and quartzite(stone) artifacts is only suggestive of a cultural association,and hence of the use of fire by humans,but does not prove it," they wrote.
The researchers also said they doubted early humans really used a hearth in a cave.The researchers said it was possible that at one time the cave was more open to the air and that the pools of water formed inside,wearing out the rounded bowls that earlier researchers said were hearths.
Water running off the slope could have washed the bones into the cave as it filled in overtime,Howell added.
"There is no question the sediments themselves indicate a situation involving water,"Howell said in a telephone interview.
Natural forest fires could also have blackened the bones found in the cave,he added.
"This had nothing to do with people having a picnic and roasting animal bones in a fire,"Howell said.
Knowing the date when humans first knew how to use fire tells scientists one aspect of culture and gives a more complete understanding of the Earhts early inhabitants.Howell added.
Fire was only important for early humans because it allowed them to survive in higher latitudes by offering protection against large animals and providing warmth and nutrition,the researchers added.
"That is really a step forward,"Howell said."It tells us about prehistoric people and how they adapted to their environment."
Peking Man is an example of Homo Erectus.a precursor of modern humans that died out by 100,000 years ago.