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By Our Correspondent Gustav Klimtz

Even the disastrous launch of the three-minute loop channel, BBC News 24, John Birt's desire for total blanket TV has not been dampened.  The imminent start of BBC 3 Entertain-o-vision will see the hand over of mainstream television from BBC 1.
That veteran channel will now host shows that pander to the tastes of those people who considered minorities by viewers of BBC 2 programmes such as 'One Foot in the Past' and 'Leviathan'.
The new channel will be split, initially, between original programmes and current popular shows in a 50:50 ratio.

Shining Lights
The new shows will be both far-reaching and wise, while at the same time teaching young children not to take drugs.  The old series include 'Oh, no... Not More Men Behaving Badly', which will continue the escapades of loveable rogues Gary and Tony.  'Rock & Roll EastEnders', the regular cast star in a twice weekly series set in London's East End during the 1950s.  Witness the spiralling tensions that led to Sixties gang rule, and finally 'Changing Haircuts'.  This variation of the classic 'Changing Rooms' involves two close Neighbours rearranging each others hair in garish colours.
The BBC Spin Doctors-in-Residence have been working on a super-dry cycle in the last few months spouting the virtues of new programming.  Three of theses 'fantastic shows' are detailed here.  'Single Mothers:  Boring Dross', 'From the Arse to the Moon - Where your waste goes!' and 'Butt Town: The Family Soap'.

The critics have been given a field day on this one, because every single program shown so far is complete toss.  The only programs that make us laugh are the dramas, and the only ones that made us cry were the comedies.  Maybe if they just changed the names people might not notice.

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