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By Our Correspondent Yztakistas Horuntas

The story of Clinton will seem oddly familiar to anyone who's picked a Women's magazine in the last few years.
The reason I say this is their demonising of the male, and all that he does, has grown into almost a business of its own.  However, any would be victim can always side step his problems by deflecting the attention.

Bigger Than Most
Obviously being the President of the United States of America gives you a little more weight than most men would experience.  As such a popular recourse for world leaders is to start a distant war to appease those at home.
We are led to believe that the Iranian build up of troops on their Afghan border is because of the disappearance, and suspected murder, of twelve diplomats.  However, at the
Society we have convincing evidence that suggests that an ulterior motive is being pursued.

Deals on Wheels
Information has been uncovered that suggest that money, food, weapons and technicians are being supplied to the Iranians in return for their co-operation.
They have been asked to build up their troops along the border and begin manoeuvres.

This story broke just as the Starr report was published on the internet.  However it only managed to gain third place in most news programmes after the Clinton story, and a claim that the home record was faked by invading aliens from a distant planet.
In these days of strange stuff, we can't believe anything.

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