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West Coast flooded for theme park


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By Our Correspondent Harvey Pickles

Everyone's seen the feature film, Waterworld, and now around 70 million lucky US citizens can experience it first hand.
The new park has cost the US government nothing, after an ecological disaster supplied them with a lot of water.
Some Eco-Warriors have spoken but against the White House saying the new park, to be called
'Aquascopic', is just a cover up of a conspiracy to pollute the world and kill her.
The White House issued a statement to counter the adverse publicity that has been generated by these outspoken students.
"There is absolutely no reason for us to try and kill 'Mother' Earth.  We all live here together.  We'd be killing ourselves.'  This seemed to satisfy the dissidents but a recent
DS investigation into US Federal corruption uncovered plans to set-up a new Congressional centre on Mars

Apocalypse Row
Recent equatorial iceberg sightings have been blamed on Global Warming, though a scientist I once met said that the rise in sea level is due to there being more old people.  Apparently they need to urinate more often.  In the past, when people died younger, this wasn't the case.  Although it could just be coincidence.
Whatever the reason for the rise, President Clinton is sticking to the story that they made the flood increase more on purpose.
The park will open shortly after the last residents have drowned, with a big opening ceremony.  There will be fireworks, which is always nice.
To stop the flood spreading across the whole of America large walls have been built.  Owing to a shortage of building materials, the contractors have used their own builders to be part of the wall.  Their rolls of fat fit neatly together and create a water tight join.
Protestors at this radical new method have also been used.

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