
*Just added: I made a short Rambler survey to find out more about my readers so if you have oh, an extra moment or so, please go fill it out for me. You can find it by clicking here. Thanks!

Two days until I get to Yale. Well one if you want to get all technical about it, which...I do. So, one more day. I have so much icky tedious shit to do tomorrow so it's like I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not. But the parts I'm not looking forward to will all be worth it in the end. We're talking things like...laundry, banking, packing, class.

Major drama in apartment 337. Apparently my roommate Erin hooked up with this boy who her best friend used to date. So now she doesn't know what to do. I don't talk to her about it very much because she's never home. She's either at class, studying or locked in a closet talking to Extra. That's the guys name. Extra. Kristen calls him Bubblegum Boy. How clever, eh? I guess it's kind of interesting to think you're one of the only people (if not the only person) to have a certain name, but at the same time...EXTRA? Come on Mr. and Mrs. Extra, lay off the acid.

I got the new Rusted Root yesterday. I'm still warming up to it, but I really really like the first two songs on it. I like this part:

"I know you don't like it but ya fit in like the rising sun, with many more miles to go"

I also think the girl in the band is cute. :-)

Overall, my day today was pretty boring. I had my 2 hour fiction workshop in the morning and then I was going to wander around for a couple of hours and waste time before getting to work. I ran into Candice (another National Student Exchange student, from New Jersey--Rutgers) on the stairs outside and she asked if I wanted to get some lunch. So while we were eating, we played our little game--a game we don't acknowledge but always play. "Who can make the other laugh the hardest?" Seriously--we have no deep talks about life or anything like that, we just try to crack each other up. So we got on the subject of the lovely establishment of California State University, Hayward. She mentioned that 75% of the students were not even high school level and I was telling her this is why I got a 3.3 gpa because I all but never went to class and did fairly well. Then we were talking about our resumes and how we'd write a large "H" and then a long scribble and then a legible "D" at the end of where we went to school so that it would look like "Harvard." We're so sneaky, I know. :-) Not like BG is the academic captial of the world, but at least the classes are somewhat challenging for crying out loud. Actually, I should take that back. Last semester, I could have (and virtually did) go through my classes without trying at all. This quarter, I think, will be different. My teachers seem to have that little necessity called "an interest in what you're teaching"--especially my fiction workshop. Our final for this class is writing a short story. Well ha! That is my life, I'm so pumped for this class. Next semester I get to take the Advanced Fiction Workshop which is--okay, have I bored you to sleep yet? I didn't mean to go off on that tangent. So yeah--until Joci and I talked on the phone later today, lunch with Candice was definitely the highlight.

Then my IQ went down about 30 points while I sat at work for 4 hours pasting newspaper articles to blank paper to be photocopied. The great thing about being a student assistant is you do all the crap work around the office that needs to be done but cannot be done by someone so important as a senior writer. I just quiver at that title. But really--it's a cake job. I get almost $9 for cutting out newsclips? Cool! But I feel like a real ass now because I just called and lied to my wonderful boss, so that I could get time off to go to Yale. I feel like crapola right now but I'll get over it in about 15 seconds I think.

In my language class the other day, we learned how 55% of language is body language and gestures, 38% is tone of voice and emotion, and 7% is words. So those of you who only know each other online, think of how much you're missing out on!

With that, I leave you with this quote from the author of my fiction text:

"We are in love with words until we have to face them"

East siders: Gettin played
