Domain of the Hurrians

The Hurrians are a remarkable ancient people who had much to do with the development of world cultures

This is a picture of an Elder of the Svaneti People of NW Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains. They are culturally and ethnicaly kin to the ancient Hurrians.

World Culture Links

The Torah
I believe that the Genesis History of Noach's family to have taken place in the Northern Highlands of Anatolia, Mesopotamia and Iran before 4000 BC.
Noah at ''
From Noah you can travel back to Adam or forward through the line of David to recent European Heiarchy.
Elam - Britanica Online articles about these guys.
A great site ; a "well" of Hurrian culture. Elam was a son of Shem.
Assyrian - Chelod business
book of Judith, chapter 1
Arphaxad, King of the Medes
A mideaval Spanish manuscript.
Exploring Kurdish Origins.
A lecture by Mehrdad Izady , Harvard University, 10 March 1993.
Kurds and Kurdistan
An Essay on the history of the Kurds
The "Indo-European Proto Language"
It appears that languages in general originated from a singal source in the Middle East - just like in the "Babel story".
Mesopotamian Pre-history (Neolithic; Calcolithic)
Information on the "pre-historic" discoveries made in the Near East.
Oriental Institute Archeology
The Archive of Near Eastern Studies and Archeology conducted by The Oriental Institute.
The Uruk World History : book review
Its a book about the role of the "Uruk (Erech)" big business establishment in the Middle East.
Map of the Near East
takes time to load
Maps of the Middle East
Some of these maps are large and take time to load.
"The Ancient Ethnic History of Shemite People (including Chechens)"
Some of the tribes of Shem whent east to work with the Asiatic Mongoloid people.
Noach Szejniuk ; a survivor of the holocaust
This boy has a "Hurrian look".
Fredmans sång nr 35
A poem about Noah in German? I can't read it but it looks interesting.
A bold but bazzar concept of the Ancient Patriarchs
This guy is encouraging to me but the real picture is more parallel to archeological discovery . The bible stays the most consistant record.
Svaneti Article
An illustrated article about an old Caucaisian mountain people in NW Georgia still posessing much of the culture and religious style inherited from their Hurrian ancestors.
CDL Press!
publishers of scholarly works on the culture of the Ancient Near East.
CDL - Browse their books online
Choose a Topic: Ancient Near East, Judaism, Bahai, The Bible
CDL Books : Ancient Near East
An amazing online bookstore providing an in depth look into the World of the Ancient Hurrians and other Middle Eastern societies.
Banister Research and Consulting
Geological Groundwater Explorations.
International Cavers Links
It's a big list of LINKS to sites of cave exploration and developement world wide.
Southampton University Caving Club Home Page
A caving club based in Brittain.
Shadows of the Mind Workers
"Some CogLab Cavedwellers". A Caving Homepage.
A wonderful illustrated web site about Slavenia.
URARTU Culture: an introduction
The Urartuan Language is a direct descendant of the Hurrian language.
Urartu Visited
An essay on Urartu
Temple of Musasir, Capital of Urartu
Temple of Khaldi - An example of the ancient Hurrian technology
From Tarsus to Mount Ararat
- Eight Days Journey Through Four Millennia of History - <B> published in "Guardian of Truth"
The Search for Noah's Ark
B. J. Corbin's Ararat website
A great reference to the most ancient of history
History of civilization : Ancient to Medieval
contains a Periods of History menu ranging from Ancient to modern times
Links to the Middle East and Greece
Links to the ancient civilizations
a cronology of Mesopotamia : 9000 - 500 BC
From the begining of wheat cultivation to Cyrus the Great
References to eastern Asia Minor and the Caucasus appear in the most ancient extant myths of the world.
The Bible Online
a convenient online reference
The Blue Letter Bible
It's an online concordance and Bible with some Hebrew translations
Armenian Daily Newspaper
Homenetmen Glendale Ararat Chapter
A large Armenian Boyscout group
soccer (football) in Armenia
The Ultimate archive of ancient Near Eastern texts and a large Sumerian/English Dictionary.


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