Gorham Gothic

Matt Campo as the Vampire

(in relative order of importance)

Matt Campo as the Vampire
Christian Matzke as Bartholomew
Joel Preist as Maximillian
Chris Hilton as Vampire Hunter #1
Chris Keister as Vampire Hunter #2
Ben Weinstein as Lenny the Frat Brother
Ali Munier as Buffy the Vampire Layer
Seth Bolin as the Overly Aggressive Skinhead
Rob Wilber as the Badass Pissing Man

Director - Rob Wilber
Camera - Rob Wilber
Writer - Matt Campo, Chris Hilton, Joel Preist, Christian Matzke, Rob Wilber, and Kevin Gerrish
Executive Producer - Kevin Gerrish

The Gallery--Still frames from Gorham Gothic

Joel Priest as Bartholomew and Christian Matzke as Maximillian