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NOTE: The following represents an archive webpage. The links were good when created (circa 199x), but many have vanished from the internet, or pending re-discovery. (last updated 3/2009)

James Madio


apearing in "The Gifted" as Eddie Fontaine

/Search Engine Links/Bios/Photo Links/
Because the internet is constantly changing, some links may now be outdated or have expired.
No ownership to source material implied: Links, Photos, and Engines properly notated by
URL address in publicly accessable source code.
To add a link, contact Website and "The Gifted" fan email is: paralleluniverse (at) hotmail (dot) com

  • James Madio's credits include the film Basketball Diaries

    Madio pix BBDiaries Madio in Basketball Diaries
    Madio Far Left
    Madio 2nd from Left
    BBDiaries pix Madio 2nd from Left
    Madio far Left
    BBDiaries pix Madio (Black & White) Back Row 2nd from Right
    BBDiaries pix Madio on Soundtrack 2nd from left

  • Another brief credit in Basketball Diaries from Movies Online
  • Madio's bio from Movienet
  • Madio's Agent
              Suzanne Schacter 
              c/o Suzelle Enterprises
              331 West 57th Street, Suite 215
              New York, NY 10019
  • James Madio in Blossom
                                     *  BLOSSOM  *
                       **  SECOND Season Episodes (1991-92)  **
    35.  [2.21]            23 Mar 1992  House Guests
    Glen Merzer / Zane Buzby
    Six and her mother stay at the Russo house overnight while theirs is being 
    sprayed by an exterminator. Six tries to make her parents a couple again.
    Note: Blossom writer Jonathan Schmock appears as the waitor.
    Sharon ........... Gail Edwards        Silvio ........... James Madio
    Rhonda Jo Applegate  Portia Dawson     Diane ............ Brenda Strong
    waitor ........... Jonathan Schmock    Doug LeMuere...... Joel Murray

  • "Hook"


    [2005](These pages represent a frozen moment in time; post-production nearly completed on "The Gifted", a 35mm wide screen feature film, directed by Lawrence L. Simeone [R.I.P]; the film subsequently released through Goldbar Distribution: and as of 2002 there was an awareness that the film had been released in VHS format in the Russia market; other distribution or availability of the project is presently unknown. This website appears basically as it did, with the then available webtechnology; and has also not yet been updated to reflect current status, new poster, weblinks missing/old, etc., nor notations regarding recent accomplishments of talent (having gone on to do more and other projects, etc.), and also serves as a memorial to the director who is no longer with us.) Website and fan email inquirey current contact pending (please check back).

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