Flander's Page!

Flanders is one of the most understated of the Simpson's Characters.
He always happens to get all the halarious jokes that wouldn't work for anyone else.

And of course we cannot forget when Ned starts his Leftorium.  
Here is a short list of the items mentioned and seen in his store. 

Lefthanded Stuff
1. Car with left-handed gearshift 2. I (HEART) lefty apron 3. Left-handed shot glass 4. Left-handed pinking shears 5. Left-handed ledger book 6. Kiss me, I'm left-handed T-shirt 7. Left-handed corkscrew 8. Left-handed can opener 9. Left-handed nunchucks 10. Left-handed chainsaw 11. Left-handed computer 12. I'm with lefty T-shirt 13. Ties, hats and sweaters 14. I (HEART) southpaws' Poster 15. Left-handed guitar 16. Left-handed apple peelers 17. Left-handed ice-cream scoop 18. Left-handed zither 19. Cups-a-plenty
Everyone seems to give Ned a goody two-shoes Image. Even Ned has his own secret shames. They are minute compared to some of our secrets though.
Once he snuck into the expensive seats at a Canters Concert. He dented Reverend Lovejoy's car door one day at church. Flanders falls asleep when reading the Old Testament in Bed. He was once possed with the evil spirit of Satan.
We all have come to know and love Homer And of course, Homer and Neddie live right next door to each other. Did you ever notice in an episode that Homer has something with the initials NF on it or a t-shirt that says "Ned loves Maude" on it? These are all items Homer has stole from Ned. Here is as complete a list as I can get right now.

Ned's Stuff that is in Homer's possesion
1. An apron which says, "Hail to the chef". 2. A propane gas grill. 3. A "Ned loves Maude" shirt. 4. A "Maude loves Ned" shirt. 5. A "World's Greatest Dad" cap. 6. His eyeglasses. 7. A "Welcome to Flanders Country" door mat. 8. A hankerchief with the initials "NF" on it. 9. A power sander. 10. A TV Tray. 11. A hand-held camcorder. 12. A weed-whacker. 13. A downstairs bathtub. 14. Camping equipment. 15. Flanders' air conditioner.

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