This is Gua Kelam(Cave of Darkness).It is situated in Perlis, North of West Malaysia. I have been there for a few times to camp with my trainees. This cave is a beautiful one with stalagmites and underground river, with water gushing eeriely. At night we test our trainees reselience and bravery by making them cross the hanging bridge all by themselves. Of course there were watchmen, overseering their safety..unseen in the crevices and holes . It was quite a challenging activity for them. The following morning we did abseiling and rappelling.The top of the limestone hill, outcropping rocks threw challenge to the trainees and their helpers. The third activity , monkey crossing, the amateur crawler will taste the rushing water down under them but we knew they enjoyed swimming anyway.

This is Pedu Lake....a very attractive spot for water lovers, a haven for fresh water bugs. You can swim, design your own weird ways of catching fish.... We did kayaking, and lake crossing of about 100 meters. The water was warm and greenish. Do not know what is in the water....some toman fish...anaconda...phyton. Not to worry we have a few locals who can guide and give some advice about the place. We camped there for three days to breathe fresh air. We sleep under well lit tropical moon. No mosquitoes and no leeches, just plain snores.

Another place to be is The National Park or Taman Negara in Pahang. It is wonderful place for nature lovers.

With a group of trainees we climbed Gunung Jerai...Night Trekking. Quite a challenge.Gunung Jerai offers plenty of beautiful sights; its flora and fauna.

My personal experience in climbing Gunung Kinabalu, adventure in Taman Negara is mostly treasured.

I like bird watching too... Here at Weymouth with a few Bristolians I managed to get some knowledge about birds...by watching them through bino. We exchanged information and discussed the physical outlook of birds. How many have you recognised? Its colour, sound, habits and it habitats?

Outdoor activities with own family is interesting too. I often take my family for camping, trekking and sight seeing.
