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The Year 2000 will be the 4 Year Anniversary!!!
What you can expect to find here

The Year 2000 will be the 4 Year Anniversary!!! I will endeavour to provide the best of the OLD Rysher Highlander Forum 
threads and posts, the ones from way back when no one questioned the 
name you chose to post under and we kept to the topic at hand, which 

I hope to provide such gems as 

Can Immies Live on the Moon? SORRY LOST FOR ALL TIME!

What happens to all the bullets?

Lets give Xavier a Hand...

Watch this list as it grows!

July 1996: The First Month the Rysher Highlander Forum was open
Rejected Titles for HL 4: Crom's Top Ten Rejected Titles for the upcoming Highlander 4 Movie
July 1996 Posters: A full list of all the posters in that first month
August 1996 Posters: A full list of all the posters in the 2nd month
The Rysher Forum Now: A Link to The Rysher Forum as it is now

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