
Personal Stuff

Name: Ben David Gillies
Nicknames: "Gillies" or "Short Elvis"
Birthdate: October 24th, 1979 (currently 20)
Family: Dad (David, Mum (Anette), Sister (Kristy)
Position in the Band: drummer, writes some music along with Daniel and on his own


- "chicks"
- Ben has an obsession with breasts.........
- partying
- Reese's Pieces
- the internet, recently got himself a new computer w/ the internet
- likes snorkling off the coast (watch out for the sharks!!!)
- music (Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath, koRn, tool, Crystal Method, Death in Vegas)
- movies - Austin Powers (wonder why?), Major Payne, Shawshank Redemption & The Game
- fishing
- pool


- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
- insane teenie boppers
- vegemite


- used to break an average of 16-18 drumsticks every single gig before he got better sticks

- Ben's drum sticks say "Ben's Wood" on them

- used to wear braces

- wildest member of silverchair

- to keep in shape on breaks away from the band Ben swims lengths every morning at the local 
Newcastle public pool

- surfs

- like Chris, Ben has been seen on many different occasions wearing "Billabong" surf wear

- wrote the music for Learn to Hate and The Closing

- reckons "Maxfactor" is the best make-up around

- once got up and sang with Handsome

- his sister was goth

- one time he planned to dive through the big round drum at the bottom, but one of the crew members 
forgot to slit a hole to help it break and Ben bounced right back off the drum and fell onto the 
floor almost knocking himself out! (this was live broadcasted across Australia so everyone watching 

- sucked his thumb till he was 7

- has a serious girlfriend 

- once got so piss drunk that he went on stage to play for some other band and he managed to fall
off the back of the stage.

- spewed all over Blink 182's manager... LOL

- people born on Ocotober are said to have the following qualities [this came
out of one of those "fortune" books] 
Ben's B-Day meaning:
"you are determined and perservering, sometimes quite obstinate. your 
determination of purpose brings you much success. you are a loyal friend and 
a bitter enemy. You are better liked by the opposite sex. your love will not 
be a smooth path, but on the whole you will be happy."

Chris' Bio | Daniel's bio