
Personal Stuff

Name: Daniel Paul Johns
Nicknames: Dannyboy, Johnsy
Birthdate: April 22nd, 1979 (currently 20)
Family: Dad (Greg), Mum (Julie), Brother (Heath) and Sister (Chelsea)
Pets: Sweep (dog), Jack (rabbit)
School Subject: English
Position in the Band: guitarist, vocalist, lyricist, writes most the music

What he likes

- fruits (especially apples) & veggies
- orange juice
- loves V8
- vegemite sandwiches
- drawing
- art & creating art
- loves animals
- movies
- likes to do "nothing what-so-ever" while he's on breaks away from the band
- likes "South Park", "Ricki Lake" and "Neighbours" (an aussie soap opera)

His Favorite Bands

Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Slint, Fugazi, Minor Threat, 
Big Black, Government Issue, State of Alert, Black Flag, koRn, Kate Bush,
PJ Harvey, Magic Dirt, Tool, Helmet, Hendrix, Beatles.. and the list 
goes on

What he Dislikes

- the title "rock star"
- hates Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (or "Crap" as he would say)
- hates brown m&m's
- interviews (but it depends on who the interviewer is)
- happy pop music
- meat
- cruelty to animals
- corporate people


- he is a vegan (no animal products no matter what, no cheese, no milk, no ice cream (etc.)

- if he could have any super power it would be to sleep whenever he wants

- played trumpet when he was a little kid

- he can spit straight up into the air and catch it (what a talent)

- he used to wear braces

- he never wanted to be the singer in silverchair

- Daniel shares a room with his brother

- moved out of his parents house & he lived alone with Sweep his "girlfriend",
but now he's back with his parents again and expecting to move out after this

- carries many........ interesting pictures of his dog sweep in his wallet

- supposably hasn't washed his hair since "January 5th, 92" (he's lying)

- he has never lived or gone to school out side of Newcastle, Australia

- he doesn't smoke or do drugs, but he's not straight edge either, Daniel does
not drink because of an ulcer that gets aggrivated with alchol

- has tattoo of and eagle on his ankle, it supports Animal Liberation, it's
approximately the size of the diameter of a cup

- before he knew how to play the guitar he used to write rap songs

- had two eyebrow piercings in his left eyebrow, they're not there anymore

- his younger brother is taller than him (Heath is 6'2)

- if he were god for 5 minutes he would make everyone, including himself more

- people born on April 22nd are said to have the following qualities [this came
out of one of those "fortune" books] 
Daniel's B-Day meaning:
"You have musical talent which should be developed. You are positive in your 
opinions, but when thoroughly convinced, yield with good grace. You have a 
clear and alert mind and keen forsight. You are capable of a deep and 
sacrificing love."

Chris' Bio | Ben's bio