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Fabao 101® Formulas, Clinically Proven to Promote hair growth, Faster!

Seven years of clinical trials were capped with a year-long, double-blind, placebo-based studies whose dramatic findings - published in the highly-respected peer-reviewed medical journals - documented a 189% average increase in mature hair count among subjects using this treatment! And the results are long-term. Fabao 101® Formulas address androgenetic alopecia - classic "male pattern baldness" that, surprisingly, is the most common cause of hair thinning among women too!

% of mature hair count change in 4 months

Double Blind Study Results: the mature hair count (non-vellus, melanized, terminal hair) after
Fabao treatment increased an average of 189%, versus a 19% increase for placebo-treated subjects

Working Mechanism

According to modern dermatology and Asian medical theory, hair loss is mainly caused by: 1) insufficient blood supply to the scalp, and malnutrition in the hair root, 2 ) excessive sebum in the scalp which causes pore clogging and 3) DH testosterone. Fabao 101® Formulas promote hair growth by:

  • Removing blood stasis
  • Dilating the blood capillaries
  • correcting the unwanted effects of DH testosterone and
  • regulating the sebum secretions in the scalp.

These combined effects generate hair by revitalizing dormant hair follicles to grow strong, normal hair, and prevent the loss of existing hair.

Structure of hair follicle

These effects have been well documented in  clinical studies. The following figure proves that blood supply to the scalp is dramatically increased after the application. The blood flow rate was monitored by Laser Doppler measurement.

before treatment, 4.4V

15 min after treatment, 7.0V

3 hours after treatment, 5.4 V

Figure 1. Laser Doppler measurements show dramatic increase of the blood flow in the scalp after treatment with Fabao 101D®: blood flow rate is proportional to the voltage generated from these measurements.

While many other companies have tried to formulate their products based on our chemistry data published in medical journals, they have been unsuccessful at getting our results. Due to the delicate nature of active ingredients, it is imperative to exact these ingredients without destroying their native molecular structures. Otherwise their effectiveness will vanish, completely!

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