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Carolyn Gargaro's ribbon campaigns list

What with the mass proliferation of campaigns, many have produced ribbons for people to wear to show thier support in a public, but inoffensive manner.

A problem is that many have selected solours, not realising that the specific colour is in use by another organisation. Anyone seen wearing a blue ribbon, they could be supporting freedom of speech, or opposed to drinking and driving. Green ribbon wearers either support cannabis users, families of missing children, or responsibility in freedom of speech.

Some of the more confusing clashes, were the "Freedom for hedgehogs" society, who chose green and red checks and the "Death to hedgehogs" campaign, who have a red and green checked ribbon.
Recently, groups of people from the opposing groups met up, got confused, settled down for a nice cup of tea and decided that even though they were mortal foes, there was no reason they couldn't enjoy a small social occasion together as both sides were just human after all...

To counter this growing problem of ribbon culture, a new body called the "International Ribbon Color Registrar" has been formed. Any organisations wishing to start a campaign with ribbons will have to apply to the registrar with three choices of colour and the areas which the campaign will cover.
They will then check thier lists and respond to the organisions with thier allocated ribbon colour.

Registrar head, Bob Laerton, told us;

"This is a great service for all charities. As long as this service is used, there will never be any embarrassing mix-ups which similar ribbons being used for similar purposes. We have a wide variety of colours and hues which our scientists have determined are distinguishable throughout the vast majority of colour-sighted population. The chance that an organisation cannot use one of it's prefered colours is negligable."

Anyone wanting to allocate a colour can do so over email. Send a message to allocate@ribbons.org with your preferences.

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Ribbons courtesy of Ribbon-o-matic.