What is The GO-Diet?
GO-Diet(TM) is a (Hi)gh (Mo)nounsaturated, (Lo)w (Carb)ohydrate diet and lifestyle which will correct the underlying hormonal problems which prevent fat people from losing weight and keeps the circulating cholesterol and triglycerides at levels considered to lower the risk for heart disease.
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More Great Information
Is it For You?:
Yogurt: Recipe for homemade Yogurt and abstract of antitumor activity.
Nutrient Table: Table of Nutritional Content of Low Carb Foods
Nutrient Values for Flaxseed: Nutritional analysis of flax for LowCarb Diets
Photographs before and after the GO-Diet:
Do You Qualify as Hyperinsulinemic?:
Are you Fat?: Find your BMI from your weight and height.
The Yeasty Beasties. Are they for real?: How to decide if Candida is a problem and a simple modification to the diet.
Orderform: Order the GO-Diet book and tape by Credit card or check.
Newsletter: Living LowCarb Vol 1 Number 1 March 1998
Newsletter: Living LowCarb Vol 1 Number 2 July 1998
The Abstract of the GO-diet:
Doctor O'Mara, my co-author for
the scientific study in the abstract above, and I have a new book
, the GO-Diet(which stands for the Goldberg/O'Mara
diet). Visit us at http://www.go-diet.com
.to order the GO-Diet book, your passport to a slim and healthy new life. Order your copy
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