Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy

Welcome to hummer's Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy page.  Here you will find
quicktime movies form Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy.  Sounds from 
Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy and links from Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy and 
more stuff later.  Email me if you have something to say,
good or bad I want to here it.  Thanks 
Last Updated 12/14/98

 Hey I like it. Great list o' links you got there. Nice work and don't
fret about the 'stolen' stuff, not like you were anyway...

 --MING CHEN (creater of the View Askew webpages)

the deal

hummer's stolen Clerks stuff
Clerks quicktime movies (mov) and sounds (wav)
hummer's Lost Clerks Footage
quicktime movies (mov) and sounds (wav) that were cut from Clerks
hummer's Macintosh Clerks icons
a set of Clerks icons I made for Macintosh
hummer's stolen Mallrats stuff
Mallrats quicktime movies (mov) and sounds (wav)
hummer's Lost Mallrats Footage
movies (mov) that were cut from Mallrats
hummer's Macintosh Mallrats icons
a set of Mallrats icons I made for Macintosh
hummer's stolen Chasing Amy stuff
Chasing Amy quicktime movies (mov) and sounds (wav)
hummer's Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy links
links to other Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy sites
hummer's land
my main site


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