Thanks for visiting my homepage! We are glad to announce the birth
of our new baby boy Gabriel Elijah. He was born Feb. 7 at 3:54pm.

He sure was a porker at birth weighing in at 8lbs 12.5oz and
21.75" long! He weighed 15lbs 6oz and 24 1/4" long at his
2month checkup.

Thats Gabriel and his BIG brother Christopher(2yrsold)
cuddling in Christopher's bed. How sweet! :)

That is a picture of my husband Chris and Christopher
saying "CHEESE" to the camara. He has sure become a
daddy's boy since we brought Gabriel home from the hospital!
For the most part, christopher just ignores Gabriel, but on some
rare occasions he asks me to hold him. Its so adorable....

Well, I have made 4 picture pages of the boys. The first 3 are
of christopher from birth to 2yrs old..and the 4th page is
ALOT of pictures of Gabriel. Come back soon.
And if you want email me!
Thanks for coming!!! :)


Picture Page #1 *Christopher from birth to 1 year old*

Picture Page #2 *Christopher from 1 year old-till 2nd birthday*

Picture Page #3 *2 yrs old.*

Picture Page #4 *Gabe and Christopher.*

My dad's homepage

Baby Center

Tons of my poems

My basketball Page!

This page was last updated 3-21-02!!

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