Fantasy Dreams an Fairies

Hello !!! Welcome to my World of Fantasy, Dreams, and Fairies.

I will be changing things that will be included here often.. so check back to find new things .. thanks for stopping by and please sign my guest book.

You are free to use any graphic from this site you wish ..To the best of my knowlege all here is free domain found on the internet,or having been given permission to use it on my website, if you find any thing that is copyrighted by you please let me know and I will remove it. If you want to use any thing here all I ask is, that the graphic is "Transloaded" an a link back to this page placed on your page with this URL

Here is a banner link URL to use (transload this to your FTP an use the "a href" code to link it, if you need some help with the HTML codes you can learn them from Dracc's School of HTML, this is where I got my own start :o) Now build and have fun with your imagination .. Leave a note in the guest book so I know you stoped by.



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Lady Jane