
June 9, 1998

Dark clouds are out glooming up the day
The sun, like me, can't break free to shine out
Walking alone over this unstable bridge I wonder
Will those clouds ever let me feel the sun's warmth
To give that sense that someone, somewhere cares?
As I occasionally stop my walk to look at the water below
I feel yet another chilling breeze that gives me goosebumps
Would it by wise to blindly continue on this unpredictable path?
The happy fish below are swimming freely
But I'm forced to follow this straight path above
The brightly colored leaves float gracefully around
And even when they land, their journey is not complete
The fish have no emotions that bind them to a single course
The leaves have no thoughts weighting them 'til they're passive
How I envy the unrestrained fish and leaves I see before my eyes
Could I be fortunate enough to consume their carefree lives and use 
       them for my own?
My eyes that cry with the sad, gray clouds
That hover condescendingly, threatening me
Daring me to jump and be free, ready to punish
I know that if I try to leave and seek something new
The cloud's thunder will boom and the lightning will crash
And tiny, unsure me will run back and continue to walk again
Over that unstable bridge that could collapse at any time with me
Should I submit to my fears and be condemned to follow others?

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