Mews Efurryone! I'm Smokey Amber and I'm in this kewl klub for cats called "
. It's just for cats -hewmans can't join. I've got lots of new friends and we are always doing something fun. If mew're a cat, mew should check it out!
This is my memfurship card. Isn't it adorable?
There's a mall for all mew shop-aholics. I run a shop in the
Ailurophilian Town Mall
Smokey's Sweets
with help from my Uncle, Midnight H.
Here's a picfur of me and Bandit. He's 8 weeks old now!
There's lots of kewl guilds and groups to join. The furrst group I joined was the Photography Guild
It's for kitties who love to take or enjoy beatiful picfurs. I luff to take picfurs. Especially of flowers and nature.
Then I joined the Fat Cat Guild.
Next I joined the Garden Guild. It's for cats who love flowers and gardening. We learn about flowers and plants and send in picfurs and more.
I luff being a memfur of the FKA (that's Fuzzy Kitties Association.)
Here are the links to our ofur pages!
My House
My Photography Guild Page
My Outfits
My Garden Guild Page
My FKA Page
My Diary Society Page
Poetry Corner Guild
Smokey's Sweets
Furrst Aid Station
This Ring belongs to
Smokey Amber
. Click
to join the ring...
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E-Meow Smokey Amber
© 2000+ Smokey Amber
Background used courtesy of
Midnight H