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General Comments:

brian mccormick: i didn't bother reading all your site had to offer, being that I am the epitome of the MTV and had already used all of my fifteen minutes of concentration. I have a few responses that I have been thinking about that were triggered by the readings of an African-American Literature class. First, I have no culture. I am white and suburban; I have no special holidays, no ethnic foods or anything of that sort. My neighborhood is typical of the burgeoning suburban homes, complete with dozens of fast food restaurants within a mile, and the ordinary plain strip mall down the street. I went home for Easter and realized how plain it was. I love Los Angeles, not that it isn't overly suburbanized and suffering from sprawl. My second comment was about race: is race determined only by the color of ones skin, or the values that one beholds. My skin color lacks pigment, so therefore I am not black, yet my heroes are, and my music is. I am not asian, yet my philosophy is and many of my friends are. So, what does that make me? I do not have anything in common with my white roommates, except that we all grew up with pretty much the same things and without suffering from forms of oppression. But, I hang out with my poor Hispanic friend who we would seemingly have nothing in common, or my black friend or my asian neighbors. Though our colors are different, I am much more similar to them than my white roommates. So, what does that make of race?

Paul, in response to Brian: The fact that Brian feels little in common with his white friends no doubt stems from his own individuality and alienation from the kind of society that is characterised as white American. However by race he is white and that is immutable. There is nothing unusual in finding more in common with another culture and there is frequently a confusion btween race and culture. As it so happens American culture embraces that of both black and white and whereas I am a European and white I would not describe my culture as white or American. My culture is European and valuies such as liberty , equality and brotherhood expressed in the French Revolution are European but then so is the culture of Naziism.

No race is immune from such evils and in our global village , ideas and culture transcend national boundaries as the nation state, in any event, is becoming of diminishing importance. Your contributor who feels nothing in common with those around him is not alone and there is increasingly a group of people for whom common ideas and attitudes are more important that national culture or the accident of race. Why he should feel guilt or surprised may be because America is way behind Europe where the ideas of social democracy have now successfully been adopted by the overwhelming majority of States.

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Responses to When the Unreasonable Act Makes Sense

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