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http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0226/hentoff.phpYou would think this grassroots movement to secure our liberties would be of interest to the national media, but I have seen little of it on television or in the print press. To find out about these campaigns around the country, and about a range of organizing tools, you can visit the Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee's Web site, and its links: http://www.gjf.org/NBORDC

Previous Front Pages June, 02 -- July, 02 -- August, '02 -- Sept '02


Paul Wellstone, former Minnasota Senator"If you want real welfare reform, you focus on a good education, good health care and a good job.

If you want to reduce poverty, you focus on a good education, good health care and a good job.

If you want a stable middle class, you focus on a good education, good health care and a good job.

If you want to have citizens who can participate in democracy,you focus on a good education, good health care and a good job."

"And if you want to end the violence, you could build a million
new prisons and you could fill them all up, but you will never end this cycle of violence unless you invest in the health and the skill and the intellect and the character of our children - you focus on a good education, good health care and a good job."

"And other than that, I don't feel strongly about anything."
Senator Paul Wellstone
July 21, 1944 - October 25, 2002

"Ronald Reagan may have been a hard line conservative, but had Wellstone died during his watch you wouldn't have heard liberals asking whether the Gipper had had him offed. Bush is different. Asking mailmen to spy on ordinary Americans, creating military tribunals for anyone deemed an "enemy combatant," locking prisoners of war in dog cages, spending a decade's worth of savings in six months, allowing journalists to die rather than provide them with help in a war zone, smearing Democratic politicians as anti-American, invading sovereign nations without excuse--these are acts that transgress essential American reasonableness. A man capable of these things seems, by definition, capable of anything." -THE (POSSIBLE) ASSASSINATION OF PAUL WELLSTONE Wed Oct 30,10:03 PM ET By Ted Rall

Ciresi's law firm looking into Wellstone plane crash -Published Nov. 14, 2002, Tony Kennedy and Paul McEnroe Star Tribune

"There ought to be limits to freedom." --G.W. Bush, Press conference, Texas State House, 1999.

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." --G.W.Bush, December 18, 2000

"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it." - George W. Bush, July 26, 2001

"You can fool some of the people, all of the time -- and those are the ones you have to concentrate on." -George W. Bush, 2001

"Who cares what you think?" --George W. Bush, July 4, 2001

"I do not need to explain why I say things." -George Bush, From an interview conducted by Bob Woodward, 20 November 2002

I don't care what you think! "I'm the commander, I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation...."George W(armonger) Bush , 20 November 2002

Exclusive one-on-one intereview reveals...
Bush Not Afraid to Ask the Questions That Aren't Worth Asking!

"One of my jobs is to be provocative....And the other job that I have is to ask questions - some of them may be the questions that aren't worth asking, but I'm not afraid to ask them. That's one of the things that I'm now very comfortable with. There is no such thing as a dumb question, by me or anybody else on our team." George W. Bush, From an interview conducted by Bob Woodward in Crawford, Texas, for 'The Washington Post' 20 November 2002 I don't know what I'm talking about



Bush's Life of Deception
The Washington press corps has come grudgingly to the recognition that George W. Bush is "malleable" with the truth, as the Washington Post delicately put it. Pressing for war with Iraq, Bush has been exaggerating his case so much that even CIA analysts are complaining, as a number of newspapers have now reported...- Sam Parry November 4, 2002

The Boston Globe revealed the existence of a letter that Mr. Bush received from (Harken) outside counsel a week before he sold his shares in June 1990. The letter warned all Harken directors not to sell if they had "significant negative information about the company's prospects." But with suspiciously perfect timing, Bush attorney lawyer Robert W. Jordan didn't turn that critical document over to the S.E.C. until the day after the agency's staff determined that the then-President's eldest son should not be prosecuted for insider trading. (Mr. Jordan now serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.) The Harken law firm's opinion, according to a securities-law expert quoted in The Washington Post, was "the most important piece of evidence." -Conason (Bush Business Archives)

Chokehold on Knowledge Office of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels wants to transfer control of information management from the printing office to individual Cabinet agencies. That would spell the end of the current system, in place since the Jeffersonian era, which requires executive branch agencies to send their documents and reports to neutral librarians, who then make them available to the public both online and in 1,300 public reading rooms nationwide. Daniels would replace that system with a more secretive one in which individual agencies would manage -- and possibly sanitize -- their own electronic databases. -LA Times

Get used to living in a police state where your offspring are looked upon as nothing more than cannon fodder for the Bush regime's endless wars. -Assassinations, phony wars, cooked polls, corporate crooks and stolen elections. -Bev Conover

No Child Unrecruited - Should the military be given the names of every high school student in America?

Sharon Shea-Keneally, principal of Mount Anthony Union High School in Bennington, Vermont, was shocked when she received a letter in May from military recruiters demanding a list of all her students, including names, addresses, and phone numbers. The school invites recruiters to participate in career days and job fairs, but like most school districts, it keeps student information strictly confidential. "We don't give out a list of names of our kids to anybody," says Shea-Keneally, "not to colleges, churches, employers -- nobody."


But when Shea-Keneally insisted on an explanation, she was in for an even bigger surprise: The recruiters cited the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's sweeping new education law passed earlier this year. There, buried deep within the law's 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student -- or face a cutoff of all federal aid. -David Goodman

By the end of the U.S.-Iraqi War, we will destroy Iraq's infrastructure, its businesses and homes; we will kill more civilians than military, and write it off as "collateral damage." Then, as President Bush promised, we will rebuild Iraq at a cost of $150 to $250 billion, more than the President will budget for health care reform or educational improvements; more than he thinks appropriate to improve the transportation system or to reduce the levels of poverty in the United States. The $127 billion budget surplus, which vanished under this President's stewardship, has been replaced by a $157 billion budget deficit, a reminder of the President's dismal economic, domestic, and foreign policies -Bushwatch

Wake-up call
If the US and Iraq do go to war, there can only be one winner, can't there? Maybe not. This summer, in a huge rehearsal of just such a conflict - and with retired Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper playing Saddam - the US lost. Julian Borger asks the former marine how he did it.
Friday September 6, 2002 The Guardian


Analysts claim early peak in world oil production
The world is drawing down its oil reserves at an unprecedented rate, with supplies likely to be constrained by global production capacity by 2010, "even assuming no growth in demand," said analysts at Douglas-Westwood Ltd., an energy industry consulting firm based in Canterbury, England. "Oil will permanently cease to be abundant," said Douglas-Westwood analysts in the World Oil Supply Report issued earlier this month. "Supply and demand will be forced to balance - but at a price." The resulting economic shocks will rival those of the 1970s, as oil prices "could double and triple within 2 or 3 years as the world changes from oil abundance to oil scarcity. The world is facing a future of major oil price increases, which will occur sooner than many people believe," that report concluded. -OGJ editors HOUSTON, Aug. 12

USA Assassinates Yemeni Citizens Without Trial or Jury
Yemen-USA, Politics, 11/7/2002
Yemen, which is still under the shock of killing 6 members of al-Qaida organization on the ground of an attack said to be by the CIA, has urged its citizens who were driven to this organization ( al-Qaida) to give up violence, while some US press said that Yemen had before hand known about the attack and approved it

It has happened here, the USA we knew is no more. The final nail has been driven into the coffin of that great experiment in government of, by and for the people. George W. Bush has gotten his wish: This is now a dictatorship and he is the dictator. History will record that the death blows were delivered by the Democratic Party. An awful but inescapable truth...-Bev Conover Online Journal Editor & Publisher November 21, 2002


Well, we asked for it. Americans have spoken, and, by razor thin margins, this is what we want.

There will be a permanent state of war against an unnamed, amorphous enemy, that always seems to take the form of an opponent to U.S. oil interests....

Taxes will now only be paid by the middle class. The economy will continue to decline, but that will only affect the working class. The only welfare will be corporate welfare. Social Security will completely disappear into the coffers of the same failed companies receiving that corporate welfare.

Prescription drug manufacturers will be fully subsidized while forty million Americans still do not have health insurance. Every last square inch Alaska will be drilled for oil.

We had to destroy Democracy in order to save it

Somehow, the security of the Fatherland will be assured by a guarantee that nobody working for the soon to be created department is entitled to job protection. As it turns out, hijacked planes were not the problem, the real threat was that employees of the Federal Government were wielding too much power in the workplace, and once they are completely hamstrung, we will finally be truly safe.

"Democracy is more in the counting of the votes than the casting of them." - Crispin Hull, Canberra Times, Australia

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything."--- Joseph Stalin On Nov. 5

Did We Just Witness Another Illegal COUP D'ETAT in America? -Linkcrusader
God help us all.. for we will be in a global war before too long... the rich get richer…the poor get poorer.. it has always been this way when the Party of dirty tricks is in office... I get the feeling there was some vote fixing done too.. just as in Florida... We are really in for it now.... I wish I could find an island to go live on.. away from all this mess.... Once I was proud to be an American... now, I'm not so sure...

The face of modern ballot tampering by Faun Otter You can't vote them out if.... You never voted them in.

The Stealing of America - click on "Chapters"

Vote of No Confidence - Everything you need to know about stealing elections

In a joint study issued in July, researchers found that the most high-tech voting systems in use today produced, on average, nearly as many spoiled, unmarked or uncounted ballots as the much- maligned punch-card systems. The study, perhaps the most exhaustive of its kind, recommends optical scanning machines as the most reliable method of counting votes, especially when used at the precinct level. It concludes that touch- screen voting, used by about 11 percent of the electorate nationwide, remains ``unproven,'' yet holds promise. kioskcom.com

GOP had election lawyers poised- Fearing a repeat of the 2000 election, Republicans geared up a team of 350 lawyers to handle any possible courtroom battles. The goal was to make sure that Gov. Jeb Bush 's re-election would not be threatened by lawsuits or recounts. - STEVE BOUSQUET, Times Staff Writer © St. Petersburg Times published November 10, 2002

Jeb and George Bush

We just can't lose when we count the votes!

For the first time in the memory of anyone alive, the entire federal government - the Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary - is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate. That mandate includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to give up control over their own lives. It includes using the taxing power to transfer wealth from working people to the rich. It includes giving corporations a free hand to eviscerate the environment and control the regulatory agencies meant to hold them accountable. And it includes secrecy on a scale you cannot imagine. Above all, it means judges with a political agenda appointed for life. If you liked the Supreme Court that put George W. Bush in the White House, you will swoon over what's coming. And if you like God in government, get ready for the Rapture. These folks don't even mind you referring to the GOP as the party of God. Why else would the new House Majority Leader say that the Almighty is using him to promote 'a Biblical worldview' in American politics? -Bill Moyers

Time For Dems To Clean House To justify its existence, a political party must first articulate a set of principles and policies its candidates are willing to die for, politically speaking. What did Democrats fight for in this election? Well, I can't say; and that's the problem, neither could anyone else. - Stephen Pizzo, AlterNet November 6, 2002

Democrats didn't stand for anything in this election. I thought they stood against Iraq, but well … there were those Senators and Gephardt who voted for it … then I thought they stood for economic and fiscal responsibility, but then there was that tax cut … and I thought they stood for environmental laws, but then there was that botched energy bill with CAFÉ standards … Hamster.com

Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Two Years Ago? Date: 10/8/02 Source: Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Minority Member
Unemployment is increasing, The crime rate is increasing, Drug use is increasing, Air pollution is increasing and the Dems can't rally around any one theme to energize the party.....

From Citizens To Customers, Losing Our Collective Voice -Matthew A. Crenson and Benjamin Ginsberg
It would be a mistake to conclude, as many commentators do, that Americans are apathetic citizens gone AWOL. But there's no question that the fundamental relationship between citizen and government has changed. Increasingly, public officials regard us as "customers" rather than as citizens, and there are crucial differences between the two. Citizens own the government. Customers just receive services from it. Citizens belong to a political community with a collective existence and public purposes. Customers are individual purchasers seeking the best deal. Customers may receive courteous service, but they do not own the store.

Remember When We Had Elections? -Richard Heinberg New College of California (Santa Rosa)
Taken together, the Cheneys, Perles, Rumsfelds, Armitages, and Negropontes of the new administration appear to stand for a foreign policy of world domination, and a domestic policy of financial corruption and political repression. One gets the impression that these are people who do not care much about democracy; nor do they have much interest in fair play. Nor are they likely again to relinquish power peacefully, as they did in 1992....True democracy takes time and effort and requires the learning of communication and negotiation skills. The alternative, however, is authoritarianism in its myriad forms. In our lives, all of us-Americans included-have to decide whether we prefer the convenience of leaving the decisions that affect us to others, or the bother of responsibility and involvement. Democracy does not ensure that the right decisions will always be made, but it does enlist the diverse perceptions and skills of the entire populace in solving the endless variety of problems with which every society is eventually confronted.

We will be hearing much about 'moral clarity' from the Bush administration in the months and years to come. What component of this is truly felt or merely cynical political posturing isn't really important - either way, we can count on it to hide great crimes against the country and humanity. 'You're all sinners, and you have no rights,' is the true mantra of the self-righteous; and when you hear Bush speak of 'moral clarity,' remember this is what he really means. --11.11.02, Kent Southard

Homeland security will put even more folks to work, except these will be wearing jackboots and will be searching your friendly neighborhood for the thousands of trained killers that Bush says are plotting to attack us. You know the ones - those who dare to criticize Bush administration policies. You don't have to be a fool...to realize that Bush needs Homeland Security in a hurry - to control the dissenters who will be marching shoulder-to-shoulder across the Homeland when it dawns on them what he's up to. -Don't Be a Fool November 13, 2002 By Sheila Samples

President Bush plans to allow the private sector to compete for nearly half the nation's 1.8 million federal civilian jobs, the White House said yesterday. As many as 850,000 workers - both white- and blue-collar jobs - could be affected, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said. Light estimated that the federal work force will rise again to 2 million in the next few years because of increased hiring for airport screeners, air marshals, border-patrol agents and immigration inspectors. Privatizing so many jobs helps protect the GOP against attacks that the era of big government is back under Bush, Light said. Norman Ornstein, a political analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank, also said the privatization drive raised questions about Bush's recent assertions that his insistence upon greater management leeway over employees in the proposed Department of Homeland Security was not motivated by a desire to privatize the work force and should not be seen as anti-union. - Edwin Chen Los Angeles Times

The (Homeland Security) proposal drew a sharp dissent from the American Federation of Government Employees, the large union of federal workers. "The American public needs to know that the president's so-called compromise . . . is a Trojan horse," said union President Bobby L. Harnage. "It has nothing to do with improving security. All it does is strip federal workers of the right to defend themselves in the workplace." -Helen Dewar Washington Post Staff Writer

Bush administration plans to open as many as 850,000 federal government jobs to private sector competition was greeted with dismay Thursday by the unions representing more than 500,000 federal workers. The plan, contained in the White House's Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-76 (Revised), was to be published on Friday in the Federal Register, starting an adoption process in which Congress will have no say. -UPI

Dem Senate Leaders Screw Labor Movement, Give Up Fed Workers' Collective Bargaining Rights To Anti-Union Bush. When Tom Daschle, John Breaux, and the other Dem Senate centrists decided to back Bush's version of the Homeland Security bill and bring it to the Senate floor for an up or down vote, they screwed the nearly 200,000 fed workers in two dozen fed agencies that will make up the new Homeland Security Department out of a hard-fought cornerstone of the American union movement, the right of collective bargaining. Under the Bush bill, he or his representative can hire, fire, promote, or demote any worker in that department for whatever reason he sees fit without recourse. The Dem leaders hope to cover their behinds by claiming the bill is a compromise because it includes a mediation clause. But while the fired worker can talk to a mediator about his case, the mediator's decision will carry absolutely no legal weight with respect to Bush changing his decision. That's the Dem's idea of "compromise." That's an insult. That's not collective bargaining, that's slave labor. What the Senate Dems have told the American labor movement is that the Bush beatings will continue until morale improves. Next, look for Bush to try to bring the other federal departments in line with the Department of Homeland Security. After all, Bush must be thinking, why should the other fed workers have collective bargaining protections that the Senate Dems have taken away from the 200,000 unfortunate folks who will soon find themselves working in the Department of Homeland Security. One must assume that this is the first Dem response to the recent Bush takeover of government. Apparently, the Dems think if they can't defeat Bush, they'll join him. --Politex, 11.13.02

Bush Plans To Destroy Federal Unions To Further Political, Not Economic, Goals. Last week Bush's drive to destroy all unions within the federal bureaucracy went into overdrive with new, strengthened anti-union language in the Homeland Security bill. A few days later we learned that the Bush Admin will privatize nearly half all federal civilian jobs, up to as many as 850,000. Bush does not need the approval of Congress to do so. While the rationale for taking away the civil service protections of the workers within Homeland Security was Bush's need to control the department during a time of war, another rationale was given for the job privatization: to save money. Those who would benefit from such privatization, many of whom being contributors to the Bush presidential campaign, claim that privatizing fed jobs save the taxpayers up to 30%, 10% more than the Bush Admin claims. Less biased observers point out that such savings come about when health and retirement benefits are taken away from the workers, fewer workers are expected to work longer hours for lower wages, and less-qualified workers are employed. The post-9/11 airport screening scandals are just the latest example of what happens when a few large corporations earn considerable profits by privatizing jobs that should have been federalized. The poorly trained, poorly educated, poorly motivated screeners, many of whom could not even speak English, were in over their heads, but the goal of privatization was to make money for their bosses, not provide a quality product. -Politex, 11.18.02

"We are told that we will have to give up certain civil liberties if we are going to make this country safe from terrorists. Of course. But how are we going to be safe from the information-gatherers, the techno-snoops who want to reduce us all to computer databases? It may even be too late. The Orwellian-named USA Patriot Act and now the creation of the Homeland Security Department vest great, intrusive powers in the government. It will have its lists. It will use its lists....A so-called FBI watch list...was circulated to various businesses right after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It contained the names of people the bureau wanted to question. The list went out to hotels and rental car agencies, banks and even Las Vegas casino operators. These, in turn, made copies of the list and passed them on to others. Faxes were blurred. Names were misspelled, identities confused. The list was fed into databases, and when the FBI deleted a name, it informed no one. If you were on that list by mistake, you stayed in many databases no matter what. Some companies use the list to screen job applicants. Try getting a job if you're on the FBI watch list for . . . well, it's not clear for what." …The war on terrorism has not caught Osama bin Laden, but it caught Asem Atta, no relation to Mohamed Atta, the purported terrorist ringleader. The FBI had him on its watch list. It later deleted his name from its list, but it could not delete it from the lists made from the lists. The Wall Street Journal tells us his name lives on in databases and Web sites, stalking him maybe forever.…..The computer and advances in communications were supposed to create something called the "global village." They have. The conventional village was often a place of stifling conformity, a place where everyone knew everyone else's business. Now this claustrophobia can be felt on a worldwide basis. The blessed anonymity of the big city is gone. Your neighbor still may not know much about you, but your credit card company and supermarket do. Soon, so will the government." -Richard Cohen Thursday, November 21, 2002; Page A41

You Are a Suspect - If the Homeland Security Act is not amended before passage, here is what will happen to you: Every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every academic grade you receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend - all these transactions and communications will go into what the Defense Department describes as "a virtual, centralized grand database." To this computerized dossier on your private life from commercial sources, add every piece of information that government has about you - passport application, driver's license and bridge toll records, judicial and divorce records, complaints from nosy neighbors to the F.B.I., your lifetime paper trail plus the latest hidden camera surveillance - and you have the supersnoop's dream: a "Total Information Awareness" about every U.S. citizen..... -WILLIAM SAFIRE WASHINGTON

  Tucked away in the outer reaches of the Defense Department, brandishing an eerie and cryptic logo -- an all-seeing eye atop a pyramid and the slogan "Scientia Est Potentia" ("Knowledge Is Power") -- the office is headed by retired Rear Adm. John M. Poindexter, the Reagan administration official who was convicted in the wake of the Iran-contra scandal of five felony counts of lying to Congress, destroying official documents and obstructing the congressional inquiry into the affair.

Not surprisingly, there have already been some fast-breathing reactions to recently published information about the office, including allegations that it is funded by the Homeland Security Bill (it isn't) and that Adm. Poindexter has compiled a computer dossier on every American (he hasn't, or not yet)….this is not neutral technology, and the potential for abuse is enormous. If information that once took five people a week to find will now take one person 15 minutes to find, then instant -- and instantly updatable -- computer dossiers on everyone really do cease to be science fiction. If computers can learn to identify a person through a video camera, then constant surveillance of society becomes possible, too. Because the legal system designed to protect privacy has yet to catch up with this technology, Congress needs to take a direct interest in this project, and the defense secretary should appoint an outside committee to oversee it before it proceeds. Privacy concerns need to be built into the technology from the beginning -- if the public decides, after being fully acquainted with the possibilities, that it is to be built at all.

Finally, everyone involved might also want to consider whether Adm. Poindexter is the best person to direct this extremely sensitive project. Though his criminal convictions were overturned on appeal, his record of lying to Congress hardly makes him an ideal protector of the legal system, and his conduct of Iran-contra hardly makes him an advertisement for government competence. Even his choice of logo calls into question his tact and taste. Adm. Poindexter's presence on this project, the lack of clear public information about it and the absence of any real oversight already indicate a serious lapse of judgment. -© 2002 The Washington Post Company

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer White House Press Secretary February 25, 2002

Q: Ari, why would this administration choose a man for couterterrorism who is so associated with the dark side of the Iran Contra scandal, Admiral Poindexter?

MR. FLEISCHER: When you say, choose him for counterterrorism, can you be more specific?

Q: He's in the Pentagon, he's been appointed head of DARPA, which is a counterterrorist office, developing plans, demonstrations with information.

MR. FLEISCHER: I'm not aware of any appointment.

Q: Yet.

MR. FLEISCHER: Let me just say about Admiral Poindexter, Admiral Poindexter is somebody who this administration thinks is an outstanding American and an outstanding citizen who has done a very good job in what he has done for our country, serving in the military.

Q: How can you say that, when he told Colonel North to lie?

MR. FLEISCHER: Helen, I think your views on Iran Contra are well-known, but the President does believe that Admiral Poindexter served --

Q: It isn't my view, this is the prosecutor for the United States.

MR. FLEISCHER: I understand. The President thinks that Admiral Poindexter has served our nation very well.

Q: Really?

MR. FLEISCHER: That's the President's thoughts.

Q: Do you know his record?

MR. FLEISCHER: I'm sure you will inform me.

Q: I don't have to, all you have to do is look it up.

Meet America's New Big Brother

Who's John Poindexter? A retired Navy Admiral, John Poindexter lost his job as National Security Adviser under Ronald Reagan, and was convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, defrauding the government, and destroying evidence in the Iran Contra scandal.

Why did John Poindexter get the job? He was the Vice President of Syntek Technologies, a government contractor. Syntek and Poindexter worked for years with DARPA to develop Genoa, a surveillance device that's a combination cutting-edge search engine, sophisticated information harvesting program", and a "peer-to-peer" file sharing system. Kind of a military-grade Google/Napster for use in instant analysis of electronic data.

What was Iran-Contra all about? Iran was holding American hostages. President Reagan said we would not negotiate with terrorists. At the same time, the CIA wanted to support a rebel army in the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government. Congress said no. So John Poindexter, along with Oliver North and many others, went behind President Reagan's back (supposedly) and sold weapons to the Iranians (illegally), then took the money they made and funneled it to the brutal "Contra" army that they built in Central America (also illegally).

Why didn't I hear about his appointment on the news? Very few newspapers and virtually no TV stations announced Poindexter's appointment. Apparently they didn't consider it "newsworthy".

JOHN POINDEXTER "I made a very deliberate decision not to tell the president so that I could insulate him from the decision and provide some future deniability for the president if it ever leaked out." - John Poindexter, after he was found guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and the destruction of evidence. Poindexter has benefited from Bush's utter disregard for decency and his obsession with whitewashing the Iran-Contra scandal so that Daddy Bush's legacy won't be quite so grim (dream on, Dubya). Though the charges were later thrown out on appeal, John Poindexter was found guilty of obstruction of justice, conspiracy and destroying evidence during the Iran-Contra scandal. He was also accused by the Costa Rican government of complicity in a cocaine-trafficking scheme that funneled money to the Contra terrorists in Nicaragua.

What a guy! JUST the person we need to head up the new Information Awareness Office -- that is, the new agency that will engage in domestic espionage by monitoring emails and phone correspondence. Poindexter's appointment was done hastily and with no fanfare, just after Ashcroft issued yet another warning for Americans to be on the highest state of alert. Coincidence? Well, you decide. But it's awfully interesting that I had to read about this in the Guardian...our own captive media had nary a word to say on the subject. -Source: http://www.truthout.org/docs_01/02.20B.Bush.Conspirator.htm

Iran-Contra: White House e-mail In November 1986, as the Iran-Contra scandal broke, President Reagan's national security adviser, John Poindexter, and one of Poindexter's aides, Oliver North, began electronically destroying more than 5,000 e-mail messages in the memory banks of the White House computer system. What they apparently didn't know was that these messages were still retrievable from the e-mail system's backup tapes. Investigators from the FBI and the Tower Commission subsequently used these tapes to reconstruct the Iran-Contra scandal. Here are the links to those email messages..

Letter to NPR I've found myself listening to NPR less and less, as it seems you've become little more than the Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute Op-Ed network; no doubt due to long-standing GOP control of your budget and operations, control which even now is eviscerating your news staff. Yesterday morning was a case in point - tuning in to see what might be said in regards to Nancy Pelosi I was saddened, if not shocked, by the obviously Karl Rove scripted attack on her as 'too liberal for America.' Why not a feature on her counterpart Tom DeLay: 'Too conservative for America?' DeLay is a Christian Reconstructionist, after all, and has told the Washington Post that he believes our government should be replaced by 'government by the Bible.' But no, we get nothing of this from you. Your continued debasement has sunk to rank cowardice and betrayal of the American people and our nation's ideals. If you don't have the guts to stand up for what's right, then you should quit, otherwise you're just becoming willing accomplices of the fascism already well underway. Kent Southard, 11.18.02

The Right-Wing Election 2000 Scandal MachineWhat if House Republican majority whip Tom Delay was not an evil genius? After a non-decisive Election Day, the Gore camp rolled out the lawyers, as did the Bush team; Delay mobilized two hundred or so Republican staffers and dispatched his khaki-clad footsoldiers to Miami. They swarmed the county office where a recount was under way, screamed and yelled, and created a disruptive and tense atmosphere in which the local election canvassing board then decided to cease the recount.

Paid  republican goons disrupt the Florida recount

In a wonderful piece of investigative journalism, Washington Post columnist Al Kamen - who pens a gossipy who's-doing-what-in-official-Washington feature - printed a photo of the GOP mob in Miami and asked his readers to identify the angry demonstrators. Of the twelve protesters pictured, ten were present or recent House Republican aides. The guy leading the pack: Tom Pyle, a policy analyst for Delay. -David Corn, AlterNet December 8, 2000

Senate GOP Leadership Shows Party True Colors by Dave "Doctor" Gonzo
For those of you who missed the story, Kamen named names and provided occupations of a few of the rioters featured in a Reuters photo. Here they are, in alphabetical order: Steven Brophy, former aide to Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-TN.) and presently with consulting firm KPMG (5) Rory Cooper, political division staff member at the National Republican Congressional Committee (3) Duane Gibson, aide to Chairman Don Young (R-AK) of the House Resources Committee (8) Garry Malphrus, majority chief counsel and staff director, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Criminal Justice. (2) Layna McConkey, former legislative assistant to former Rep. Jim Lightfoot (R-IA), currently with Steelman Health Strategies (10) Roger Morse, aide to Rep. Van Hilleary (R-TN) (7) Tom Pyle, policy analyst, office of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX.) -- speaking of Dixie Cro-Mags (1) Chuck Royal, legislative assistant to Rep. Jim DeMint (R-SC) (9) Kevin Smith, former House Republican conference analyst and more recently with Voter.com (4) Matt Schlapp, former chief of staff for Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS), at the time with the Bush campaign staff in Austin (6)

And to think that the press wanted us to believe this was some kind of grassroots uprising of nice, wholesome, disadvantaged, white button-down shirt wearing Miamians out to protect the integrity of a completely inaccurate vote count.

By the way -- aren't there federal laws against government employees tampering with the proceedings of a federal election?

Dear Congressman Delay: It has been reported by the Associated Press that you are, on behalf of the National Republican Congressional Committee, selling meetings with Bush Administration officials for $20,000 donations. If this report is correct (copy attached), your activity is illegal under the following U.S. Code statutory provisions, and we respectfully request that you immediately cease and desist. -JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. Larry Klayman Chairman and General Counsel

T. Rex's Guide to Life: Politics: Right Wing Watch:Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas
Cooperated with lobbyists to write legislation exempting their industries from environmental laws.
Warned the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission not to impose price caps or other controls on wholesale electricity prices.
Opposes homosexual rights.
Proposed to allow impeachment of federal judges whose rulings he felt did not follow the law.
Proposed a bill that would limit the ability of federal judges to correct unconstitutional conditions in prisons. (ACLU, 5.19.98)
Attempted to repeal the Clean Air Act.
Fought to cut the budget for the EPA.
Called the EPA the gestapo of governmentDemanded that the FBI investigate journalists that wrote stories that were unflattering to him.
Urged Bush to appeal the Florida Supreme Court decision to allow hand recounts.
Decried the Florida Supreme Court decision to allow hand recounts as "arrogant" and a "blatant and extraordinary abuse of judicial power."
Voted against background checks at gun shows.
Favors school prayer.
Rejects evolution.
Opposes free speech.
Was hit with a RICO racketeering lawsuit, which charges DeLay and several organizations with "massive illegal conduct" and even extortion and money laundering.
Played a major role in final passage of the Enron-supported Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000. The legislation exempted energy derivative trading (Enron's main business) from government regulation. (PC, 1.25.02)
Physically assualted another representative and called him "chickenshit."
He supposedly has a grown daughter in Texas that is not related to his wife.
Is being investigated over allegations he tried to raise political donations by promising meetings with Bush administration officials. (AP, 4/11/01)
A photo supposedly exists of him locked in a sexual embrace with a Mexican prostitute.

Re: Tom Delay Cartoons and the Messianic Age Tom and Jerry by TARIF ABBOUSHI ….as far as the evangelicals are concerned the (Zionist) agenda reigns supreme. Their support of Zionism is not based on feelings of empathy for Jews. It is, rather, a manifestation of their fixation on Christian theology's pre-conditions for the return of the Messiah: Restoration of the State of Israel, Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem, and the re-building of the Temple. To that point, evangelical Christians and Zionist Jews are complementary voices in the same choir. It is in the expectation of what happens next that the unity of purpose ends….Judaism teaches that the coming of the Hebrew Messiah will usher in the Olam Ha-Ba (the World to Come), commonly referred to in English as the "Messianic Age", the time when all people will recognize the Jewish God as the only true God, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion. For the evangelicals, the return of the Christian Messiah signifies the time when the Jews will convert en masse to Christianity, or perish. Given that there is no place for Jews (let alone Muslims) in the heaven of Tom Delay, Jerry Vines and Jerry Falwell, can the Zionist-evangelical alliance withstand the riving force of such inherently divergent interpretations of the endgame?

"This is a battle for the future of the country. It's a political battle of ideas. We're not here to get along with Tom Daschle because he doesn't want to get along with us. He's out of control. We are here to defeat Tom Daschle!" -Rush Limbaugh introduces Tom DeLay at a dinner in his honer, July, 2001 -Rush and Other DeLay Supporters: 'Defeat Tom Daschle'

That challenge uttered by the popular talk show host Rush Limbaugh brought sustained applause and cheers from conservatives gathered Wednesday night at a dinner in honor of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Texas…. DeLay praised Limbaugh as a man "who has done more to push us in the direction that we've gone and the wonderful success that we've had over the last six years."… When it was his turn to speak, the congressional "icon of the right and the lightning rod of the left" paid tribute to those who were helping him make certain that not one red cent for fighting the phony lawsuit would go out of his pocket or from the money needed to fight political battles against the Democrats.

Tom DeLay is a conservative's conservative. And he's been placed in the job that is designed to hold Republicans in line with his conservative philosophy.….. And so it has fallen on Tom DeLay's shoulders to try to kill campaign finance reform. -evote.com


May 4, 2000 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Republican Whip Tom DeLay said Thursday a small elite of opinion-makers was waging a "cultural coup d'etat" on the country's fundamental values and called on Americans to wage a faith-based counter-attack.

DeLay, the third-ranking Republican in the House and a magnet for Democratic outrage over his outspokenly conservative views, said in a speech at the National Press Club that the re-establishment of religion as society's "first institution" was crucial to renewing cultural values.

"The American people are trying to resist a cultural coup d'etat -- a revolution launched by a privileged few who are determined to discredit and, ultimately, replace core American traditions," said DeLay, a fierce critic of the Clinton administration whose aggressiveness earned him the nickname "the Hammer."

Echoing former Vice President Spiro Agnew's famous reference to "nattering nabobs of negativism," DeLay said a "fashionable elite" from the media, academic, legal and art worlds were waging a "guerrilla assault ... on our nation's founding principles."

"They are selling what one historian calls the morality of the cool," the Texan said. "The morality of the cool teaches that flag-burning and nude dancing are protected speech, but prayer before a football game is not." "DeLay's message -- give Republicans the political power to impose a narrow cultural and world view upon all Americans -- is as brazen as it is frightening," said Rep. Martin Frost of Texas, chairman of the House Democratic caucus. -John Whitesides

Let's Rattle Tom DeLay (Sung to the tune of "That'll Be the Day" by Buddy Holly/Linda Ronstadt)
Let's rattle Tom DeLay, let's give it a try.

Let's battle Tom DeLay, for being so sly.

He thinks he can deceive us, and sell us a lie.

Let's rattle Tom Delay and spit in his eye!

Enron scandal: The real crime Two of Enron's lobbyists were influential members of the informal kitchen cabinet of Tom DeLay, the majority whip leader of the House Republicans. Wendy Gramm, wife of Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, was a member of Enron's board of directors. (CNN, Dec. 12) Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft, his chief of staff David Ayres and the U.S. attorney's office in Houston had to withdraw publicly from the Justice Department investigation because of "possible conflict of interest." Between 1999 and 2001, Ashcroft's race for office and political committees received $60,999 in hard and soft contributions from 29 Enron executives, Enron Corp., and the company's political action committee, according to the Center for Public Integrity. -Leslie Feinberg

As a Texas congressman, Mr DeLay was at the forefront of raising funds from Enron, bringing in money both for himself and the Republican party. He was one of the leaders of a Republican drive, in the late 1990s, to boost party contributions from big business in response to the financial success of the Democrats under Bill Clinton's presidency. This keen spirit of competitiveness, it is now alleged, caused Mr DeLay and other leading Republicans to go too far. According to his political opponents, Mr DeLay repeatedly intervened on Enron's behalf with administration officials, and enjoyed a relationship with the firm far closer than that of congressman to constituency employer.

A Report from Washington by Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer Enron Scandal Builds Support For Soft Money Ban; Battle Expected Over Fraudulent Reform Alternative
Delay Leads Phony "Reform" Effort The House effort to use the Ney proposal to try to kill the Shays-Meehan soft money ban bill is being led by House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX), the House's leading opponent of campaign finance reform. DeLay, himself, is a major beneficiary of Enron's soft money. In 2000, for example, political committees associated with DeLay received $75,000 in soft money contributions from Enron, including $50,000 from former Enron Chairman Lay. DeLay also is one of the top House recipients of hard money contributions from Enron's PAC and employees, receiving $28,900 during the period from 1989 to 2001, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Pelosi mocked as S.F.'s 'latte liberal' -Marc Sandalow

For San Franciscans accustomed to ridicule for their embrace of such "radical" notions as grape boycotts, domestic partnerships and smoking bans, Pelosi hardly registers as being on the liberal fringe. She routinely wins elections with 80 percent of the vote, or more, and is condemned by papers like the Bay Guardian for being too much a part of the mainstream.

He is called "the Hammer." She's a velvet hammer. He is Tom DeLay, the newly elected House majority leader, who is all coercion and threat. She is Nancy Pelosi of California, who is all persuasion and smiles.Both Pelosi and DeLay are formidable personalities. Both can raise money, and both are fervent disciples of grass roots. In 2000, when the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spent some $90 million to pick up one House seat, Pelosi oversaw the victorious campaigns of five California contenders -- all of whom were reelected on Nov. 5.

"Nancy Pelosi is the best fund-raiser in the house. She raised more money than anybody, any other Democrat in the House. I sometimes think she has squatter rights in Barbra Streisand's wallet she spends so much time there." -David Brooks

Berkeley - In May 2000, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, a liberal Democrat, participated in a shameless attempt to stop public interest in the CIA's use and protection of drug-traffickers supporting the Nicaraguan Contras. If you did not know this, please read the attached op-ed and analysis of a Report released in May by the House Permanent Select Committee (HPSCI), on which she serves....-Peter Dale Scott


In this country-in America-people are disappearing from their homes, being held incommunicado without specified duration, without charge, without judicial oversight, and without benefit of counsel. In this country-in America-political opponents of the officially sanctioned parties in Washington are being denied their right to travel, and are being put on "watch" lists. In this country-in America-the doors and windows of the Executive branch have been officially closed and silenced to the scrutiny of the people, the courts, and Congress. In this country-in America-the taxes paid by the majority of American citizens are being doled out to a small elite class of Americans. In this country-in America-there is an officially sanctioned news service that openly warns its employees to broadcast no news unless it is accompanied by sanctioned government propaganda. -- A primer on understanding conspiracies By James Higdon

Democracy in Deep Decay Terrence McNally, AlterNet September 17, 2002 Viewed on September 23, 2002

working on a 3rd grade level

"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity and incumbency!"  Remarks by George Bush to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, June 14, 2001

bush haikus



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GEORGE W. KAFKA -Thu Jun 13, 7:02 PM ET By Ted Rall







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Bush Chooses Kissenger to cover up 9/11 -Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?

Can Congress and the media be expected to swallow the appointment of a proven coverup artist, a discredited historian, a busted liar, and a man who is wanted in many jurisdictions for the vilest of offenses? The shame of this, and the open contempt for the families of our victims, ought to be the cause of a storm of protest. -Salon

President Bush named former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Wednesday to lead an independent investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks and said the probe "must uncover every detail and learn every lesson" of the terrorist strikes.

However, Bush did not set as a primary goal for Kissinger to uncover mistakes or lapses of the government that could have prevented the Sept. 11 attacks. Instead, he said the panel should try to help the administration learn the tactics and motives of the enemy. -S.F. Chronical

Has someone been sitting on the FBI? 6/11/01 GREG PALAST

Who is Osama bin Laden? Osama bin Laden and the terror networks of the region are creations of the United States and its CIA-and continue to serve the geostrategic purposes of the United States government, which directly and indirectly controls their operations.

US planned war in Afghanistan long before September 11 By Patrick Martin 20 November 2001

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Panel backs legalizing pot in Canada Report says it’s less harmful than alcohol By DeNeen L. Brown THE WASHINGTON POST

"The attorney general of the United States ordered a raid on a medical marijuana hospice not because he had to, but because he possessed both the will and the power to do so. A Congress and a country preoccupied with many other concerns barely noticed." -Ethan A. Nadelmann, Alternet