Welcome to Kimchi's Lair!

"I saw two snakes the last time I was here. Oh yeah? Yeah. And one of the snakes turned to the other and asked if they were poisonous snakes. Of course answered the other snake. But why do you ask? The first snake frowned and answered: I just bit myself." -Some Old Man

Glad to see that you made it in one piece to my little hideaway on the net. Hi! I'm Allison (not korean), and I would just like to welcome you here! The literature below changes every few days, not to mention I add links to various fun and refreshing websites I stumble accross in my exploration of the net. So feel free to stop by often to read what I've just written. I encourage you too Bookmark the page. Your comments are also greatly appreciated. Artists are known to have low egos. Check out the *NEW* Movie Review Section! So, nice to meet you and I'm flattered you chose to come to my page! If you click on my picture to the left of this text you'll encounter a page on nothing but your favorite poetess...moi! *wink* Seriously. Read on, tonto!!!

Beginnings by Allison Marie Bond i hate starting at the beginning it takes too long to get to the good part. so i'll start with the answer: entropy. this whispered truth marks the birth of my personal renassiance. it humors me to call it that, a renassiance, as if to align myself with the worlds greatest minds. but i'm straying from my point... you need to know the question to learn from the answer. if i told you that all of life, our lives, every detail- was ironic, would that make sense? that the only way to understand is to step back completely, to refrain from living? so what of this ironic equation? presicely that. the inconcruity between the actual and the expected result of events. but we are bound- our mortality rapes us of our understanding. what is the essense of humanity? (besides being our downfall) it is our saving grace. love, faith, patience...(dare i say hope?) we have the ability to carve ourselves into who or what we desire. there. i have said it all, perhaps a little too bluntly maybe i should've used a parable or sprinkled in a prettier phrase or two. but then, who would've understood? even now, when i re-read this it all seems too confusing that i'm foolish to have undertaken this task. i keep thinking i've left something out, something vital and important. and, of course, i have.

Click on the Nuke to read my previous poems of the week!

On the Preponderance of Tame Untitled

Movie Reviews!

Vocabulary Word of the Month!


to move up and down in affectionate play

(This means I'm a member of JAUP..."Just Another Useless Page".
*hands on hips* But I think my page is hardly useless!)

Kimchi's List of Rad Places

Alamak Internet Chat: The best chatting this side o' the net. Look for me in the "Think_Cafe".
Tripod Chat: Second best chatting I've found. Have to be a member, tho.
Chat House: Another place to chat...third best place!
PIMPBOT 5000: I'm gonna turn you out, fool.
Click On Me For A Good Laugh: And you'll piss your pants laughing.
Neat Movie Thing: Just check it out.
Tripod Home: Make a homepage of your own!
Psychic Friends!: (Don't we all need some psychic love?)
The Card Game for Nerds!: Hearts! Hearts! Hearts!
ScratchBoard Gallery: This is some damn cool art. Besides, I know artist! (She's cool)
Think Cafe Newsletter: This is new and pretty cool. Check it out...(look for my weekly poem).
Just Another Useless Page: That just about says it all!
Rorschach Test: Go ahead...see just how crazy you are. And you don't even need Freud!
PhoneSpell: This is the COOOOOLEST thing!!! It'll tell you what your phone# spells! How utterly useless! How delightful!
Legos Website: Go look at some stuff from our favorite childhood toy manufactuer!
Personality Test: Go see what sort of personality you have...I'm an ENTJ...I'm like Bill Gates, supposedly. Doesn't that entitle me to some money?
LaFemme: this has to be seen to be believed...!
Useless Hero Generator: Like its title, doing this is useless...so why did I spend so much time here? There is some perverse human fascination with wasting our time.
Astral Projection Homepage: This is cool for those of us who can seperate from our bodies....Hey, did any of you see my body? Gosh darn it...this is what happens when you leave your body unattended!
Yahoo's Flight Planner!: this is a really great program that lists prices to fly anywhere! Very cool!
Barney's Fun Page!: Uhhh...ever wanted to pump Barney full of lead?
Bunny Survival Tests: For the masochist in all of us! A must see!

Click here for my friends Homepages!

Hypocratic Oath

hypocracy is my mantra
and i spend hours trying to unblur these lines
indecision spirals into confusion...
there was never any question
to my depth before-
now i find myself drowning in my own shallowness.
my soul is blushing
at the very thought of your purity-
my rusty lips ache
to capture your wholesomeness.
"have faith" i want to tell you
but i live in fear of my hypocritical words.
"is it our fate to
become what we hate?" i asked you.
you were silent for a long time
and i didn't think you were going to reply.
"i believe we make our own fate."
i frowned.
"i was afraid of that."

Last Updated: 09/5/97, 10pm PST
Webmaster: Allison Bond, aword@earthlink.net
© copyright 1997 Kimchi's Lair