This page was last updated January 12th, 2012
In loving memory of my son, Yarden Weinberg
(9 July 1994 - 26 September 1998)
" 12 Jan 2012: Yarden sweet child. I still dream of you. Sometimes you are healed and we play together. Other times we take a walk on the beach. You are with me still. You inspire me still. We all remember you, even Yoav who never met you in person. We've had many changes in our lives, as I'm sure you can see from your special viewpoint high above, and we embrace change and become more enlightened ever day. Thank you sweet Yardeni for being the one who brought us to this place. May you jump joyously on your fluffy white clouds. xxx 20 Sept. 07: It's been a long time now since Yarden left our lives. We will never forget our little angel, and I feel often that he is in a good place, safe and cared for. Now we have a family of four - Audrey & Roy, Naomi & Yoav. Sometimes when we go places, I feel one child is missing and I look around to see where he is. He is where he is. He's at peace. We are more at peace now too. I wish peace to anyone reading this website. Life does go on. Yarden would want it that way."
"Forever" (July 27th, 2000)
Audrey's birthday
poem to Yarden! (July 9, 2000)
On Friday night, September 26th, 1998 Yarden passed away peacefully at home. Although the cancer had spread in his brain, Yarden enjoyed a happy last week and even went to preschool the day he died. Yarden brought great joy and hope to us, his parents, and to everyone he met in the past two years that he was ill. I am sure Yarden will be remembered with a smile by all who met him.
Yarden was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma of the right lung on June 12th, 1996, just a few weeks before his 2nd birthday. A year later, Yarden finished chemo. On August 20th,1997 (2 months later) he woke up paralyzed on his right side. That night he had an operation to remove a tumor from his brain. Yarden had 3 additional brain surgeries during 1997 and 1998 and finally succumbed to the cancer on September 26, 1998, after a tremendous and brave battle.
An in-depth photo album of the whole family! Take a look at Naomi's baby pictures! See mom Audrey and even Roy! And of course, Yarden! Yarden's baby brother, Yoav, was born August 14th, 2000 Press here!
Take a look at me - my grandma Brenda made this special collage!
"Hi everyone, my name is Yarden and I was 4 years and 2 months old last time I walked on earth. I lived in Israel and made many friends there and also through the Internet. My family and I had a tough 2 years and 3 months, you see I had to fight cancer. In the end, my body was not strong enough, and my soul went to a better place. From time to time I glance down at all my friends who I had to leave behind, and at my family. I know it's not easy for them to understand why I had to leave. But there was this rose you see... (re-read The Little Prince). Seriously, life goes on in other ways than the physical. I send you all my love, and encourage you all to laugh loudly and love strongly."
click on Pooh if you want to e-mail me
write "To Audrey" in the subject line
When Yarden was 2: "I love to sing, watch movies, and chase after my cat! If you're lucky, I'll even put on a little dance and play for you. I love make believe!"
Here's a cute animated image I thought you might like!
Nov 16, 1999: A letter my mommy wrote to
A story my mommy wrote about
me way back in 1996.
Getting to know me - Yarden and mom made this page!
Progress Update - updated
last Feb. 22nd, 1997
Some places I like to visit here on the Net!
Meet other Caring Parents
and their kids!
Audrey's dad's Gift Shop - goodies from Israel
The Whaleclub: A great place for kids to
hang out and learn!
Want to save the rainforest? Just go to this site and click the Save the Rainforest button!
More pages check back SOON!
Thanks for Visiting!!
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