We can make this come alive!
In today's world, the question of how best to increase our security is a hot topic. What should receive our main attention – and budget dollars? And yet, when it comes to scrutinizing budgets, most people feel less engaged. In fact, for many of us, a page just filled with budget numbers is simply sleep- inducing, even intimidating. That is a big reason why important policy questions like our nation's federal budget priorities get so little public attention and input.
LPF has updated an interactive computer activity that has received rave reviews for bringing alive that important information. It explores not just what defense programs offer, but also nonviolent alternatives to military means like diplomacy and development aid. In fact, most people are surprised at US priorities – in particular, support for alternatives to military tools for engaging our world. LPF makes available this computer activity to all of our members and interested citizens. And it includes a helpful, newly updated leaders guide for getting the most out of the activity.
This LPF computer activity is simple to use, very visual, and flexible. Individuals or small groups can explore it on a computer, and for a larger group it's easy to project onto a screen up front. It comes with a half dozen handouts that offer several options for discussion groups or individuals to explore the key issues, ways to respond, and where to find some real inspiration for looking at – and questioning – US priorities.
All told, over a million people have used this and related LPF computer activities in the past decade! For most people, that increases its interest and credibility for viewing or participating in its use by a group. If you'd like a copy of this activity it is freely available for download from our website here: Activity, Leaders Guide. We also offer it on a low-cost CD for those who find that easier to use. So if you have any questions, or if you'd like LPF to send you a copy on CD please contact Glen Gersmehl -- our national coordinator -- at ggersmehl@hotmail.com or call 206.349.2501. (The cost is just $8 for LPF members, $12 for others.) Here's your chance to explore a stimulating, memorable resource for yourself, and to share with friends or a discussion group.
Download* Activity, Leaders Guide
For more information or to order revised versions of this activity,
contact Lutheran Peace Fellowship at the address at the bottom of this page.