My Guestbook
My Guestbook
This Web Page includes my Family Tree and Genealogy information about the following families:
Davies, Mortlock, Cheffins & Boase.
Photos of some of the people related
to Mark Lewies Davies have been
included in this page also.
Various information of my descendants
has been included for all to view.
If you have any further information
on these families, please forward to:
Table of Contents:
Old Davies Family Photos:
Ray Charles Mortlock:
Ray Charles Mortlock Pg2:
Davies Family:
My family, as they once were.:
The Mortlock Family (Ray & May):
Perth as is was, by Ray Mortlock:
Perth as is was, by the West Australian:
My Family Tree(image):
Family Tree(image)-2nd format:
The Family Tree excel file:
1/ Mortlock Family Documents:
2/ Cheffins Family Documents:
3/ Davies Family Documents:
4/ Boase Family Documents:
Link to the Rowan & Diane Offical Wedding Page:
Link to the Rowan Davies Home Page:
Link to the Harvey Davies (Dads) Home Page:
My page-about Mark Lewies Davies:
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