Fushigi Yuugi: A New Chapter

This fan fic follows the Manga version of Fushigi Yuugi more than the Anime version. It mentions a lot of charachters, and events that happened in the manga that you might not have seen unless you watched the FY OVA series. So it has tons of SPOILERS!!

Also, Fushigi Yuugi: A New Chapter, is an ongoing story and I don't know when it'll finish. But don't worry the chapters are rather short. ^_^


This fanfic contains SPOILERS, some bad language, and some use of Japanese vocabulary that you may not be familiar with. Reader disgression is adviced.^_^

It's also adviced that you be familiar with the story line of FY and it's charachters. For a Brief summary of FY go HERE to go to my FY page. And for Charachter Info, Click HERE to go to my FY charachter pages. ^_^

...and for a quick 411 on the Japanese words used on this page, go HERE!

Think you're ready? OK This way then...

This page has been viewed times since September 17, 1997

Its been such a long time since I last updated this page (2 years!) That even the counter is all fucked up... *ahem* excuse my language... Anyway, I have WAAAAY more hits than this and it really fucking pisses me off that tripod screws up like this ughh! *cough cough* Gomen ne, I guess I have a little Tasuki in me tonight... (Its 5am here, I haven't slept all night... been working on Chapter 14... that and my INSOMNIA!! AHHH!

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For those who would like to link to my fan fic.. please feel free but ask first... and don't put my text on your site please.. I'd appreciate it if you would PLEASE, after asking permission to link to the site, use my own address... don't just cut and paste the text... also, I'd really like to know who is linking to my fan fic so that I can add their pages to my own links page... ^_^... Kyaaa... Am I making sense... Its 5:15 am here... *lol* atama ga itai...

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Last updated: 06/01/00
I'm sooo sorry it took me so loong to Update! Gomen Kudasai nee?! Last time I updated this page was two years ago... (August 1998) But finally, finally I have added another Chapter... I'll try really hard to add chapters and finish the fan fic! Thanks for your patience.

PLease note that this is a FAN FICTION (fan fic) And it'z a story written by a fan for other fans. So please enjoy... but don't plagerize... I hate that!

Fushigi Yuugi: A New Chapter © maru

All rights reserved. ^_^

**Please note that Fushigi Yuugi is (c) by Yuu Watase, the Fan Fiction which is a spoof of Yuu Watase's work, is the only thing that is (c) by me... So just in case you didn't get that the first time... eheh..