friends are: ashliye toliver(the cleaners did it!!!), jessika abramson(get back from europe, like NOW!), adam marchman(please can we rent faces of death, please?),
mandi dworkin(we are the magical fairies of disco land!), tristan cunha(sooorrryyy about the jamba juice *mischevious grin*), jennifer dailey(tu idiote! j/k : P), erikah stamps (cheeze whiz!),
nicole cross(thanx for da yello hair dye), and some more...yupperz : P, onto bands!
my favorite bands. let's see... there's REEL BiG FiSh, skankin pickle, helium angel, blink 182, chainsaw kittens, jack off jill, pisswater, marilyn manson, anti-45, amboog-a-lard, three ton gate, nine inch nails, save ferris...and a lot more...: )
one last thing, if you have icq, my uin is : 4054780
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