
Welcome to Melissa's General Hospital Page!

Since I was little I've been watching the best soap on television, General Hospital. I'm very excited to bring you my new page which soon will privide you with updates, gossip, links, photos, and more. Please sign my guest book, and give me any suggestions, gossip, or links that I haven't already included. Let me know who you favorite character's are so I don't forget to include information on them. By the way, I am in no way connected to ABC or to General Hospital other than being a fan. THis is not an official page, Just for fun. The things you see here have been taken from various places around the web. Please be patient with me. I have been offline for a month because we moved. I will be updating the page as quickly as possible. Enjoy!

What Do You Want To See?

Gossip: What's going on behind the scenes in Port Charles?
Updates: What did you miss?
Pictures: See your favorite characters, will change often so come back!
Links: All kinds of links for General Hospital, or the characters.
Guestbook: Please sign my guestbook and leave any suggestions you may have
Sonny and Brenda Pictures
Spencer Photos
Cast List: Who plays your favorite character?
The Powers That Be: Express your opinion to those who count!
Poll: Take a minute to answer these questions!

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