Take the NEW Tennis Poll. Vote for your favorite and least favorit players, predict the winner for the Aussie Open, and pick your favorite grand slamWTA Singles Rankings as of 1/17/00:
Irina is ranked 18th for doubles BIOS
Romanian Fed. Reject Ban |
Hey! Take the NEW Tennis Poll. Please?
It's 2007! Seven years since the last update! Wow...time flies. Yes my email still works so if you have any updates or things you want me to add, email away! Some random tennis links: The Tennis Channel WTA unofficial Message Boards Matthew told me that Irina retired unannounced after Wimbledon 2000. Well it was good while it lasted, who knows, she may come back some time. Have fun Irina!! It's 2000, and Irina's going to do better. There's even two other websites for
her. WIMBLEDON 2000 FRENCH OPEN 2000 Italian Open German Open Betty Barclay Cup Ericsson Open Champions Cup(Indian Wells) Faber Grand Prix Open Gaz de France Australian Open 2000:Jan 17-30 Adidas Sidney International Honolulu, Hawaii: November 28, 1999 click to see some of 1999's results PICTURES
Irina Spirlea Photo Gallery
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
This page has been seen times since July 20,1998.
Online Tennis Magazines:
On The Line Grand Slam Contests
Fan Pages:
The Unofficial Irina Spirlea Fan Page
Irina Spirlea Fan Website
Lindsay Davenport Tribute Page
THE Maleeva Site!
Francois Donny's Tennis Page
Magüi ManiaA site about Magui Serna, the great Spanish tennis player.
Tarabini TalesA site about Patricia Tarabini, the great Argentinian tennis player.
Tennis Tournaments:
Australian Open
French Open
U.S. Open
Bausch & Lomb
This page is made by touriamus@hotmail.com