The Mr. T Experience

"Starship" Members:

Dr. Frank-

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Guitar and vocals

(Membership: 1985 -) The leader, founder and only remaining orignal member of MTX. Attended University Cal- Berkeley where he got a degree in Greek mythology(I think). Formed the band Bent Nails in 1979 with Byron. Then, he and Byron got together with Jon Von and Frank's bother's friend, Alex, and formed the Mr. T Experience in the summer of 1985.


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Drums, counting to four

(Membership: 1985-1993) Went to school with Dr. Frank's little brother and joined the band when he was 15. He had previously played in a gothic death metal band. Called it quits right before the 1993 tour.  His last apperance:  "Hello Kitty Menendez".  I am unsure where Alex is now. (Alex is my favorite MTX member. I might just be saying this because I am a drummer.)

Jon Von-

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Guitar, screams

(Membership: 1985-1992) Jon Von almost led to the band's break-up during the 92 tour. Used to be in a band called Sacred Cows. Jon met Dr. Frank at a radio station in college. Quit after the 1992 European tour. Is currently in his own band called The Rip Offs.  Last apperance:  Can of Pork comp.



(Membership: 1985-1989) Grew up with Dr. Frank. Played in Bent Nails with Frank in 1979. The two kept in touch and formed MTX in 1985. Left the band just before the Big Black Bugs tour.   Last apperance:  Big Black Bugs


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Bass, Interjections

(Membership: 1989-1994) Joined after Byron left just prior to the Big Black Bugs tour in 1989. Left the band to go to college and is currently in the band Samiam.  First apperance:   "Flying Jelly Attack"  Last apperance:  ...And the Women Who Love Them

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                                                                              The band 1989-1992

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