Raindrop Allen: My parents were killed by my sister's vile and evil husband...and my sister and my twin brother are living in an apartment somehwere in New York...*G* I wanted to stay w/ the newsies...and I sorta always put Raindrop and Spot together.
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Name: Rose Kelly (aka Annemarie Sullivan)
Age: 17
Relatives: Jack Kelly, brother
History: Rose was born under the name Annemarie Sullivan. When she was 4 her mother was murdered. Turns out it was done by her father. He had found out that Rose was not his child, but the child of an affair. It was originally his plan to kill Rose too, but she and her brother Jack ran away. Her father was taken away to a state institiution, and the rest is history. After her brother's escape, she sought out to find him. On the way to finding Jack, she also found Dutchy, who she adores, but won't admit to it.
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Searcher: She's obviously got the hots for Mush(is da boy taken?) she's been a newsies for quite a while, is an orphan, and is usually quite friendly. She knew *in her personal history* Spot and is great buds with Jacky boy:) Is looking for a selling partner(Spacey)
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Slider: He was the kid who Bumlet's was "leaning" on in Seize the Day Chorale, and after Brooklyn comes to help Manhattan out, Slider "slides" (hence the name), down the ... counter?
Real Name: --UNKNOWN--
Gender: Male
Age: about 14/15
Family Background: Was left at the orphanage, but was getting overcrowded, so he left, and went out searching for a new orphanage, but got lost and became a Newsie. Supposedly he has a younger brother.
Relationship with others: He's a quiet newsie, so it's hard for him to open up to people. He and Snickery have been really close friends. He's been with the newsies for a bit now, so he's finally starting to become more social.
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Slingshot MacKenzie: A 17 year old guy, from Brooklyn. Was the leader until Spot came, but still a well known guy. Blonde hair, hazel eyes, very strong, kinda tall, good fighter. When a fight erupts, he's usually the one to start it. Comes to Manhattan a lot, mostly to check out the ladies, but sometimes to hang with old friends. Good friends with almost everyone. To his dismay, currently single.
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Real name: Samantha Brynn Carlie
Gender: Female
Age: about 15/16
Family Background: Mother died after Brynn was born, and Father was lost at war. She was sent to live with her grandparents on the upside of NYC, but they died at an old age, and she was sent to the orphanage. She was a nuisance there, and was sent out/ran away, and became a Newsie, growing up in both Manhattan, then moving to Brooklyn. Since then she's been bounced between both places. (No siblings known).
Relationship with others: She's dating Snitch. Best friends with Spot Conlon, Slider & of course Snitch. ...but she's pretty much friends with everyone. She tries to be friendly towards everyone, even if they don't like her (which I hope no one does!
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Age: 17
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Brown
Info: I was found on the steps of the lodging house, So I've been a Newsie all my life. I'm told my family's out there somewhere looking for me. But I don't know what i'd do if I ever found em.
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