First off I would like to give MAD props to all of my beautiful
friends of the world. Kristen, the yellow vixen, my VERY bestest friend in the entire
world since the fourth grade. Aaron, my wonderful boyfriend THE GOO. Brandon, my little
brother The Pimp. Brian Turney because he's Pimp Jr. Mandi-Mandible because she's really
sweet. Scott the coolest brother ever. Rob Meckstroth the Meijer Pimp. Steve
"DA PIMP" Corrigan. Djambel the in your face ninja. Brent the drunk & punk
Canuck (Canadian Pride!) and Christine Moore the Anti-Meijer Chic.
Because he lives, I can
face each new day

In Loving Memory of my cat ICE.
Please, follow these links to other (exciting YEAH!) pages of

on Eeyore and leave me a message on my answering machine.
Click on the Pooh to Sign My
guestbook Or just simply view my

Below are some links that tell a little bit about
I support Anti-Racist Action (ARA)
I have an absolutely
WONDERFUL job here:

I thought I'd let Tina
bring a little sunshine into our days before you left my front page to explore my site.
Questions, comments, and
other such ramblings can be sent to me here: