Electronic Entertainment Expo '98

Tons of Zelda
Zelda 64 Screen Shots. All new!
IGN goes into details about the new E3 levels.  
New Perfect Dark Info
This game supposedly feels alot like Goldeneye. The control schemes are the same and the characters are similarly modeled. Although there are many similarities (some call it a "semi-sequel") between the two games, Perfect Dark features a female hero that gets engaged with a government alien conspiracy. The graphics have more polygons than 007 and more death animations. The hover bike is also supposed to be similar to riding the infamous tanks in Goldeneye. More gadgets and weapons (bigger, too) are also here. It seems that this game is about "more, more, MORE" and less on pure originality. Besides that, I am just as excited as everyone else and will definatly buy this game.
Jet Force Gemini
Couple new screenshots--
Yellow Dog
The game was not playable at this years E3 but if was shown in video. We have no new information as of this time. Please check my preview for the latest info.
Twelve Tales: Conker 64
  • Check out my preview.
    Twelve Tales is due out October 27.

Check out the media section for new movies and screen shots from various games at E3.

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